What are we Doing?

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Hobart walked up on stage and was immediately greeted by the audience. "We have a special performance today... it's the 13 colonies make a new government!" He said.

Everybody booed at him and threw stuff. "First you love me now you hate me!" Said Hobart as he quickly ran off stage. "Enjoy the show" he said before leaving. Soon the screen turned on showing all the thirteen colonies are seated at a table.

🇺🇸Part One 🇺🇸

"I got a brilliant plan! I want a one legislature house!" Yelled Virginia.
"What's a legislature house?" Rhode Island asked them.
"Something that nobody knows" said Delaware.
"I want a two house, my people need to get the right to vote" New Jersey argued.
"New Jersey listen to my plan" Virginia yelled at her banging on the table.
"Never" yelled New Jersey as she flipped the table.
"Uh... everyone listen to New Jersey" said Virginia, being a coward.

🇺🇸Part Two🇺🇸

"Me, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and New York agreed to not have slaves and let them be people not property" said Connecticut.
"Those four are living like Larry" said Delaware.
"And we think you guys should do the same thing" said New York.
"No, I don't listen to people like you, I do what I want" said Maryland flipping her hair.
"She's sassy" said Georgia.
"This will lead to conflict later in the future" said Connecticut.

🇺🇸Part Three🇺🇸

"I'm back" said Massachusetts as he walked in the room.
"What did the British say?" New York asked him.
"Now we have to pay the loyalist for taking their stuff" said Massachusetts.
"Massachusetts you failed us" said Pennsylvania.
"I'm back" said Georgia, walking in the room.
"What did the Spanish say?" North Carolina asked her.
"They yelled at me in Spanish and forbidden us to trade with the Mississippi River" said Georgia.
"Georgia you failed us" said Pennsylvania.

🇺🇸Part Four🇺🇸

"The Spanish and the British don't want us to get land" said New Hampshire.
"But I want Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky to join us, they are so cool!" Said South Carolina.
"And I want to buy Florida" said Georgia.
"Well, too bad" said Rhode Island.
"I want a little brother" said New York.
"Me too" said New Hampshire.
"Do we need another war?" Massachusetts asked them.
"Uh no, we need to sit down and think" said Virginia.
"I'm not doing that" said Maryland as she got up and walked away.
"She's gone" said South Carolina.
"Let's celebrate" said Virginia.
"That's mean" said North Carolina.
"And I'm still in the room!" Yelled Maryland.
"This is awkward" said Virginia.

🇺🇸Part Five🇺🇸

"So now we get the people to pay our debt" said New York.
"We need a leader" said Delaware.
"No! Then we'll turn into the British" said Massachusetts.
"Yeah, then we will start farting on scones while talking about king George III" said Georgia.
"You know, we're actually all British" said New York.
"And I don't think they do that" said New Jersey.
"If Georgia's crazy let her be crazy" said South Carolina.
"I'm not crazy" Georgia yelled, flipping the table.
"OMG, girl! You need to calm your butt" Said Delaware.
Everyone then quickly ran out of the room.

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