I went downstairs, so I could tell Alice she'd be able to go the bathroom and to put on my clothes. I peeked into the kitchen to see her on the phone with somebody.

“Of course we will come!” She said, laughing.

“Oh, it's no problem if they come later … Yeah we will come in time... okay see you!” She answered, declining the call.

“Everything okay?” I asked looking at her.

“Hm? Oh yes of course! Alex just called me, to tell that the guys might be late” she replied smiling.

“Okay... By the way, the bathroom is free so you can go ahead!” I said smiling. She nodded and with that I was off into my room. I started to put everything on and looked pleased into the mirror. I was happy with how I looked and couldn't wait to arrive at Alex' and meet everybody. But especially him, whoever he was. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, and kept staring on the seconds that counted my meeting down.

I lost track of time, until I was ripped out of my thoughts by Alice knocking on my door. I turned around and looked at her smiling. She had her hair in big curls, a black eyeliner, mascara and a pink reddish lipstick, and the outfit she bought yesterday. She looked so beautiful.

I nodded at her and we walked out, deciding to take our car. I sat in the drivers seat and drove by the directions Alice told me to. We arrived half an hour later, at 2pm.

I took some deep breathes, before Alice smiled reassuring at me. I smiled back and stepped out of the car, looking at the house. It looked beautiful, a little bit posher than ours, but not too fancy. I liked it. Alice and I linked arms and walked towards the door. She ringed the bell, and if it wasn't me holding her arm, she would jump up and down. I laughed at her and a minute later a guy opened the door.

I recognized him, he bought the headphones and the adapter at the apple store some days ago. It was hard not to let my mouth fall open, so I just smiled extremely at him.

“ALICE!” He nearly yelled, hugging Alice, lifting her up and spinning her around. I chuckled at this, while Alice hugged him back.

“ALEX!” She yelled in the same volume, laughing in the end. He kissed her cheek before letting her down.

“Okay, Alex this is Jay! Jay this is Alex!” Alice introduced us.

“Hey Alex!” I greeted him smiling.

“Hey Jay! Wow that rhymes! By the way, have I seen you somewhere before? You seem familiar?” He asked, smiling at me.

“Apple store, a few days ago. Yeah, you asked me for the adapters” I replied laughing.

“KNEW IT! I was there with Zack... You will meet him later!” he explained. With that he pulled Alice by her arm, and Alice me, inside and showed us... or more me around.

Everything looked so clean, and I started to wonder if he really lived alone. But right now, I couldn't be bothered, because my wrist began to burn worse and worse every minute that passed. I could feel Alice had the same problem, but both of us kept calm about it.

He lead us back into the living room, and told us to sit down. We did as he said and with that he was off into the kitchen I think.

“So? How do you like him?” Alice asked me.

“He's nice! I understand why you like him!” I replied laughing. We kept on talking, until Alex came back, with three bottles of beer. I started to grin like fool, looking at him and the bottles. He handed me one and Alice one, after opening them. I took a long sip to relax myself. It actually worked and Alex started to bombard me with questions.

It was like a time bomb ~ A Jack Barakat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now