Chapter 1 (Nerd...)

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Walking further away from the commotion I turn a corner; glancing back to see if the boy has broken free of the leering and  faithful followers of the schools greatest menace. Gasping in suprise; my books scatter everywhere.

Turning I look up into the strangest eyes I've ever encountered... Like a shock of electricity I realize belatedly I've just blindly slammed into this scowling tower. I grin sheepishly and break eye contact as I lean down, shuffling to gather my books before they are stepped on.

I feel a brush of wind as he moves away. My mind still reels from the intensity of the twin silver strobes of his eyes.

So caught up in my thoughts I've failed to notice the second pair of hands helping to gather my books. My hand is reaching for the last of my books as it dawns on me '...where is the rest of my books? I could have sworn, there were mor...'. At that precise moment my slow mind catches up with what has happened. I look around suspiciously  'where could they have gone....?' Stacked off to the side stands a pile of the books in question. Along with ...well, a guy I hadn't ever seen before.
He stands leaning on a locker to the right with a smug look across his face, and my missing books in his hands.

 After scanning the rest of the hall finding no sign of the mysterious tower of a boy I just ran into. I shrug it off, walking towards the kind soul who helped me out; but as I draw closer I discover an odd fact about him.

'What is with peoples eyes today...'

Like the sunlight in the corridor after class; this boys eyes are a complex warm amber, flowing amidst streaks of pure honey. 

They dance with micheivious shifting lights, infused with so much warmth and caring, I instantly feel at ease. Coming closer I smile and introduce myself " Hello, my name is Serenity, and you are?" He shifts his weight as he passes off the books and says " I'm ......


VOOOOTTTTEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  : )

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