"Why don't you give her a call?"

"I dunno" I mumbled as I checked the time on my watch, "it's like, one in the morning over there, I don't wanna wake her up"

"Well, I'm sure she's missing you just as much" Rachel told me, but that didn't really make me feel any better. I mean, if Sophie feels the same, that means the both of us are sad.

"I'll text her and see if she's awake" I mumbled, grabbing my my rucksack and unzipping it. I stuck my hand inside and fumbled about for my phone. However, in the process of feeling for my phone, my hand grazed over something else; similar to my phone, but smaller and thicker. I curled my hand around the object and with a confused frown, pulled it out from my rucksack.

A pack of playing cards.

For a moment, I was totally confused as to why I had a pack of cards in my bag, but then my mind wandered back to the night I left for America...

*39 days earlier*

"I'll give you a ring when I land" I said, as Sophie subconsciously reached up to straighten out the collar of my polo shirt. We were stood in the airport as I waited to go through security. A few fans had found us (god knows how) and I'd spoken to them earlier but now was my Sophie time.

"Mmhmm" she hummed, her eyes trained on her hands rather than looking at me. I took her hands in my own and gently pulled them away from my shirt. She exhaled quietly and her eyes flitted up to meet mine.

"Be safe, yeah?"

"Yeah" I nodded, "and you just ring me if you need to talk to me, I don't care what time it is"

She nodded, before sliding her arms around my neck. I hugged her back, my arms squeezing tightly around her waist and my head tucking into the side of her neck. I breathed in her scent, trying to memorise it so that I could maybe somehow remember it whilst I was away.

Eventually and regretfully, I pulled away but kept my hands on her hips. I rested my forehead against hers, nudging her nose gently.

"Erm..." Sophie began, looking down at the floor, "I kinda... sorta... got you, like, a present, well, actually I sorta made it" she mumbled, glancing around the airport awkwardly. This sparked my curiosity. I lifted my head up and raised an eyebrow.

"A present?"

"Yeah" she murmured as she reached into the pocket of her hoodie. She pulled out a small object and handed it to me.

"A pack of cards?" I said, chuckling slightly. It wasn't really what I was expecting. Though I suppose I could play some sort of card game with Rachel on the flight if I got bored...

"It's not just a pack of cards" she retorted, "it's more than that- look, it'll make more sense when you open it"

"Kay..." I hummed in amusement because even though this made zero sense to me right now, it was obvious that this was something sentimental or cute in some way. There would be no other reason that Sophie would be getting so embarrassed by it.

I found the top of the small cardboard box and began to pull it open.

"No, don't open it yet" Sophie said quickly, placing her hand over mine to stop me, "just wait, okay? Only open it when you're feeling down or missing home..." She glanced down at her shoes again as she mumbled, "or missing me, you know, whatever"

Nathan and Sophie Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें