Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Merci" he says walking into my room, "El, you're a sweet girl, and Louis probably needs you for something”

"You could just say 'Get the fuck out'" El says walking out of my room.


"Oui" I say while I make a messy bun on my head.

"About last night..."

"Last night?"

"Yeah, on the beach, the cards stuff..."

"Wait, wait wait, I didn't dream that?"

"No, not really"

"Ok, my life makes sense again"

"I don't want the whole world to know"

"I get it"

"Can we just keep it between us two? For now?"

"So no one can know? Not even the lads, or Marcus, or Casper?"

"Babe, it's just for now"


"I just don't want anyone to get between us"

"There won't be, because..."

"Maura, I know it may sound weird but..."

"No, it's ok"

Why is Zayn acting so weird about this? He normally doesn't hide stuff from the boys, I don't really get why he wants me to shut up about it.



Serious Zayn? What did you do? Why are you so stupid? Everyone may know about us, everyone. Why do you want to hide it? For the media and shit, ok. But for the boys... What is wrong with you.

"No, it's ok" Maura says.

I can see she doesn't really like it, but I can just say, 'oh no, actually everyone may know, forget what I said' it would be damn confused. Zayn, why are you so stupid?

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