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Inside the Temple, there was (Me) Katty and her original crew working on the ask or dare series. 

Katty (Me): So How's the squad doing?

Mischka: Fine, I guess.

Katty: And do you think they would be here? It's getting late.

Mischka: Let's hope they will. Man, I wish Lukas was here...

Katty: What was that???

Mischka: *Blushes* N-Nothing!

Katty: Aiiiiiiiieeeee!!!! *Teases Mischka*

Mischka: OhMyGosh Shuddap!

Katty: Hehe...No

Suddenly, the door bell rang. New doorbell installed, in case wondering. (Who has doorbells on temples?)

Katty: I'll get it. *Answers door*

Jesse (Male): Oh, hi Kat.

Katty: It's Katty, not Kat. 

Jesse: I know, geez.

Mischka: Oh hey Jesse! Hi Petra! Hi Olivia! Hi Axel! Hi Lukas! Hi-

Katty: *Covers Mischka's mouth* I think they get the point. *Uncovers Mischka's Mouth*

Mischka: Welcome home, Soren, Ellegaard, Magnus, Gabriel, and Ivor.

Soren: Thank you, child.

Mischka: ... I ain't a kid. I'm 14.

Jess (Female): So, what are we going to do now?

Katty and Mischka: TRUTH OR DARE!!!

Lukas: Cool

Rueben: Oink!

Mischka: Remember to Vote, Dare, or Comment!

Katty: Bye suckas. I mean Readers...

~Camera Static~

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