How Will I Know

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"Alright, everyone, this is it" I said to all the other dancers. "Thank you for helping us. Thank you for your time and efforts" I continued. "I couldn't have asked for a better cast. Now, everyone get into position" my team had dispersed. I stood by myself for a minute.
"Holy crap, this is it" I thought as I paced back and forth back stage. I could feel my stomach doing flips as I fiddled my fingers. I couldn't do this again in the next senior showcase, but what if it came to that? I know I put on a brave face for everyone, but the truth is, I was scared. I thought I would just hide somewhere and wait for the world to stop being so scary. My panic level was through the roof.

"Erica, calm down" I heard Alex behind me. I turned around he grabbed both my shoulders and trying to bring me back to reality. "You've been practicing non stop since the beginning of the year" He said.

"What if it was all for nothing, Alex" I asked.

"I've watched you get through a lot to get where we are and now, and it's time to see it all pay off" Alex told me confidently as he looked me in the eye. Despite the crazy flips going on inside, Alex had managed to reach the reasoning part of me. We had trained for this moment for a long time and I wasn't gonna let this get in my way. I took a small peek through the curtain, which usually is a big mistake, but I saw my parents sitting with my brother. I saw Avi and the others sitting out there and I felt better.

"You're right" I said nodding.

"I know I am" he said back.

"Still, it's not too late to bail and wait for the next senior showcase, right" I asked nervously. Alex slapped his palm to his forehead.

"Just get into position. Our turn is in 15" he said. I turned find my spot. "Erica" he called to me. "Win, lose, or kaboom, our time at this school has been one wild ride" he said smiling at me. I smiled back. I hugged him quickly and stood center stage as I waited for the curtain to rise.

The curtain rose and I waited in first for the music to start.

"One" I thought as I stepped to the left. "Two" was ran through my mind as took one more step. "Three" I thought to myself as I prepare to turn and "four" was the terrified number that ran through my mind because I knew that was when I would sync my steps with that of Alex. My hands made contact with his after that, it was as if everything around me had gone. I could feel my heart beating in my chest  and the feeling of my body leading me around the stage. It was if there was no floor nor ceiling or even an audience. I barely remember breathing to be honest as if we're just moving through space. I guess you could call it an out of body experience because when I came back, I had been holding onto Alex and the lights fell. In the darkness, I could hear roaring applause.

"Didn't I tell you that you could do it" he asked out of breath and fist bumping me. I breathed heavily.

"Yeah. You did" I breathed.

Later, I was with my friends back stage celebrating. Avi and the others had shown up as well. I ran to him and Avi had hugged me. He swung me around and told me "That was amazing. I've never seen you dance like that" I blushed through my brown skin. "Thank you my love" I said shyly. Just then, I felt large hands on my hips and Scott hoisted me on his shoulders.  I held on for my life.

"College grad right here" he exclaimed as Mitch sang out a long angelic note as if I were the queen of England.

"Alright Hoying, let me down" I laughed. As I made contact with the floor again. "Besides, we don't know if I actually made it yet" I pointed out.

"Of course you did" Lena told me. I could hear foot steps behind me.  Peter had walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey Peter" I said.

"Hey Erica. I know I'm just one member on the graduation panel of instructors, but I think it's safe to say you guys made the cut" he told me. I made a smile a mile long. "To top it off, there's someone here to see you" he informed me with smile.

"Who is it" I asked him.

"Go see" he said. "He wants to talk to you, not me" Peter said with his usual smart mouthed tone.

"I'll be back" I told Avi and began down the hall to the front of the performance hall. I wasn't sure who it was since all my loved ones were back there with me. Upon reaching my destination, my curiosity only grew but my jaw mentally dropped at who it was. I had seen a taller man with dark hair that was kind of messy, but still looked amazing. He had light facial hair, broad shoulders and His blazer and dress pants made him look amazingly dapper.

"Hello, Erica. My name is Valentin Chemerkovskiy" he said as he held out his hand. It took me a second, but I finally got the signal from my brain to take his hand.

"Hello Sir" I said shakily.

"Call me Val" he said in his Russian yet somehow New York accent. I nodded. "You were great out there tonight" he continued. "How long have you been dancing" he asked smoothly.

"Since I was five" I said still a little nervous

"I think you have a lot of talent" he continued. "I would love it if you joined the 'Sway' tour with my dance company 'Dance with Me USA'" he finished. My eyes widened.

"Me?" I asked. "You want me to dance on that tour" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, I would start you out as a background dancer, but yes" he answered. "It would only be a few months and if things work out, you might get a more permanent spot at our New York location" he explained.  "Take my card and think it over" he said handing me a card with his number on it.

"Thank you" I said trying not to burst from my skin. I shook his hand one more time and he left. I couldn't believe it. My favorite dancer I the universe actually likes my dancing. I was about 10 seconds from a squealing like a school girl when it hit me. "Avi" I thought to myself.

Dance This way: An Avi Kaplan fan fictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora