No one Ever Tells You

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We were going to see Europe together. We had plans on finally being together for more than a few days at a time. How could everything just change so quickly? I was both excited and nervous to tell my family. Once again my body took over and begrudgingly dragged me down the hallway. My brain kept telling me to wait. It said that I shouldn't jump into telling them right away or maybe just keep it to myself until I made a final decision. When I finally managed to reach my loved ones. I saw all of them still standing and talking. I caught Avi's attention and he walked up to me and kissed my cheek.

"What was that all about" he asked inquisitively. I paused and looked as everyone fell silent. I wanted to hold it in and say it was just someone complimenting my work. It wouldn't be a lie.

"It was Valentin Chemerkovskiy" I said simply.

"The Val Chemerkovskiy" Alex asked in disbelief. I nodded.

"He said he liked my dancing. He told me I have potential. I said trying to downplay it.

"That's amazing" Avi said and pulled me closer. I smiled weakly. "Val Chemerkovskiy is Erica's other boyfriend" he said jokingly and everyone laughed.

"What's wrong, Erica" Lena spoke up and everybody's laughing ceased at her words.  I didn't say anything. Instead, I sighed and took a deep breath.

"He wants me to join the Sway tour" I finally said.

"Where" my Dad asked.

"Florida. So I would be there for a few months" I explained. It fell silent again.

"That's amazing Erica" Alex said breaking the silence.

"Yeah. That is great" Lena added.

"I'm not going" I said.

"Yes, you are" Jack chimed in. "You've been working for an opportunity like this since you were a kid. Val 'what's-his-face has been your role model for years and it would be stupid of you to pass this up. If you let it go, you'll regret it for the rest of your life" Jack finally finished.

"That's for me to-" but I was cut off.

"He's right" Avi said. I looked over at him.

"Maybe we should give them a moment" Kirstie suggested and everyone left. We stood alone for what felt like hours.

"You want me to leave" I asked.

"I want you to be happy" he said.

"Im happy with you" I assured him.

"Jack said it best. For months, I've been watching you work hard. I've seen you poor your blood, sweat and tears into your dancing. Now, it's finally starting to pay off and you want to throw it away" he said. "It would be a waste and a great loss if you turned down what you've been offered" It was silent again and Avi pulled me closer to him.

"I can't imagine going even longer without you" I said into his chest.

"It'll be tough, but you're tougher" he said smiling and kissing my forehead.

*Three months later*

Three months in and the tour was great. I was around people who loved dancing as much as I do. Val was a great mentor and everyone was really nice. As much as I loved it there, I missed my friends and family terribly. It was weird begin away from them. Lena, Alex and I had promised each other to video chat every week.

"So are you gonna take Avi up on his offer" Lena asked.

"What offer" Alex asked.

"The one where he wanted her to move in with him" Lena chimed in before I answer.

Dance This way: An Avi Kaplan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now