One way or Another

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The next day, I was walking on air. I couldn't stop thinking about it, despite my class. I was sitting in my theater arts class taught by professor Rojas. Most of us just called him Peter. Peter was my favorite teacher. He always had some sort of crazy story about what it was like in "The business" even if it wasn't relevant to what we were learning that day. There were days when he would take us on "field trips" to take in a play during class time and he would just say it was a research day.

I sat in my seat doodling when my phone began to buzz. It was a text from Avi.

"Hey beautiful" it read. I smiled. I looked around to make sure Peter wasn't looking. Luckily, he was on one of his tangents about the last Superman  Movie.

"Hey handsome" I replied with a winking emoji. I waited for a few seconds before my phone went off again.

"Turn around" he sent me. I casually turned around and saw him looking through the window. I smiled at him. He winked back at me. I quickly looked to see if the coast was still clear. When I turned back I mouthed the words

"I'm in class" slowly. Avi gave me a super frown (google it if you don't know what that is). I let out a small giggle which must've caught Peter's attention because I heard him stop writing on the board. I quickly turned around to face forward so he wouldn't see what I was laughing at.

"Erica" he said sternly turning to face me.

"Yes Peter" I asked.

"Laura. 'Glass menagerie'" he simply said. "You know it" he asked. "Or are you too busy reading Vampire novels" he asked trying to put me on the spot.

"You caught me reading one book" I rebuttal trying not to laugh.

"Front and Center" he ordered. As I stood to take my place, I had noticed that Avi was no longer looking through the window. I cleared my throat.

"'Mother, you know my age'"I recited. I waited for my co star to finish her lines when I noticed Scott, Mitch, Kirstie, Kevin and Avi all staring and waving.
"They even wave in unison" I thought. I tried to stay focused. "Please don't stare Mother" I said. The guys were making faces and I tried to maintain my composure but couldn't help smiling.

"Erica, this is supposed to be a character establishing scene" he pointed out. "Again, with a little more focus" he ordered.

"Yes sir" I said as I saw Avi and the others leave.

Later, Avi found me in the dance hall. I saw him and ran across the hard wood floor to jump into a hug. He swung me around. We stood in silence. He began to inch closer to my face. I placed my finger over his lips.

"Don't think you're off the hook" I told him. "I'm gonna get you back for earlier"

"Aww come on." He whined. "I wasn't even by myself" he continued.

"Yeah but in not dating the others. I'm dating you" I said laughing.

"I like the sound of that" he said in a deep voice. "Say it again" he told me.

"I'm dating you" I said a little more seductively. He pulled me close and kissed me before I could say anything else.

From there, it only got better. The two of us took late night walks, ate corn dogs on Long Island and we even got caught in the middle of a flash mob. My personal favorite was the night Avi took me to the roof of my apartment building.

"Can I take this thing off now" I asked

"Not yet" he answered.

"How about now" I asked as if I were a kid. I felt Avi place his hands on my shoulders and speak into my ear.

"Trust me, I'll let you know" he said in a deep voice. He placed his hands on my shoulders. The chills from his touch went up down my spine and were electrifying as his hands made their way down my arms. I felt him guide me through a door and suddenly felt the air hit my face. Summer had just come to a close so the air was the perfect temperature.

"Okay, Now" he said as I pulled the blindfold off and the atmosphere was reviled. All around me, were carefully placed and lit candles. The warm glow was incredible. I could hardly believe this was my old beat up roof top.

"Wow" I said. "This is beautiful" I told him in disbelief. "Nobody has ever done anything like this for me before" I noticed the pathway that lead to an open space where there was a vase that had red roses in it. Avi took my hand and guided me. We sat down on a blanket.

"I got you something" Avi said as he reached in his pocket. He handed me a rectangular box. I opened it and what I saw made my eyes widen

Dance This way: An Avi Kaplan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now