Why Not?

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The next week consist of the entire student body preparing for this group. It wasn't all bad. Since I was a senior I didn't have as many responsibilities. It was because the teachers wanted us to focus on our Senior showcases. Jack, Alex and I were rehearsing all week. Lena is still a junior, so she'll more than likely fill me in on whatever has been happening.

"Erica, you should take a break" Alex told me as I noticed his dark brown hair was messy and his brow was sweaty. His thick eyebrows were raised and his pale skin was flushed.

"Me, or you" I laughed and Handed him his face towel. "Take 5" I reluctantly suggested and went to refill my water bottle. I stepped into the hall and couldn't help but think about how I wanted this showcase to be perfect. It was our final curtain call at this school and I wanted it to be just right. Granted, the showcase wasn't until the spring, but the more time, the better. I stopped and leaned back against the cold brick that felt amazing against my exposed skin in my favorite black tank top. I was playing a game on my phone when I decided to get back to Alex. Just as I turned I ran smack dab into something which caused me to drop my phone and water bottle to the floor.

"Crap, crap, crap" I muttered. "I'm so sorry. I should really watch where I'm going" I said apologetically and a little embarrassed. "I can be a klutz sometimes." I said as I grabbed my bottle. I didn't think anybody would be around this time of day.

"No, it was my fault. I should get off of my phone when I'm walking" I heard a deep voice say. I looked up and met his gaze and saw two of the most crystal like green eyes I had ever seen. Now, I was really embarrassed as my face went hot. He was on the floor with me in an attempt to hand me my phone. "Hey" he said invitingly.

"Hey yourself" I said with a smile. I didn't realize my hand was on top of his  and yanked it away. "Sorry" I apologized again and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks and my palms became clammy. I looked down at my phone which was face down in his hand.

"The verdict is..." He waited "not cracked" he finished and smiled at me. I giggled at his joke. "I'm Avi" he introduced himself.

"Well, thank you Avi. My name is Erica" I replied much cooler than I thought I ever could.

"Beautiful" he said back.

"Thanks. It grows on you I guess" I said.

"I meant you" he smirked.

" Smooth. I like that" I joked.

"Well, I guess that means the practice has payed off" he joked. We both laughed.

"He must be one of the theater students" I thought. "They're always here late" I figured. "Well, I had better get back to rehearsal" I told him as I fiddled with my own fingers. Just then, Alex poked his head out of the door with a guilty look on his face and I knew I wouldn't like what he had to say.

"So, you're not gonna like this, but I have togo" he confessed. "Lisa is sick and needs me there"

"Okay, that's fine" I admitted defeat with a sigh. "Tell Lisa I hope she feels better" I told him.

"Cool, thanks" he said just before getting his gym bag. "Are you going to be okay getting home" he asked. He looked over at Avi. "Do I need to walk with you" he asked like an overprotective older brother.

"I'm fine Alex" I told him. Alex gave me one last look before leaving.

"Sorry about him." I apologized again.

It's okay. He's just looking out for his girlfriend" he said. I blushed again.

"Oh, he's not my boyfriend. I don't have a boyfriend" I said nervously like the world's biggest spaz. "I don't know what I said that last part" I shakily said. "Why am I still talking" I mentally asked myself. "I better get going" I said not wanting to embarrass myself any further. I turned to get my things when Avi stopped me.

"Hey Erica, since it looks like you're free, I was wondering if you wanted to grab something to eat" he asked a little shyly.

"Is he asking me out" I thought. I usually didn't go for this sort of thing right off the bat.

"Hmm" I hummed in an attempt to tease him a little. "Okay. Sounds fun" I finally said. "Just let me get changed".

After freshening up and changing clothes, I met up with Avi in the rehearsal room. I had changed into a quarter sleeve purple shirt and a pair of black leggings that I wore under my dark gray skirt. I kept my braids in a bun.

"Thanks for waiting" I said.

"Worth it" he replied. I blushed a little through my darker complexion.

Avi took me to a small restaurant that he said had the best pasta in New York. It was a nice little bistro where there were candles on every table. The scent of warm bread filled the air and the darkish walls set just the right mood for a night out with someone. The owner seemed to know Avi. He looked at me and smiled at Avi.

"Come here often" I asked. Avi smirked as we were seated by a window that gave us a wonderful view of outside. He didn't seem to notice, but it looked a lot like we're getting an awful lot of looks from strangers.

"Is it just me, or are we being watched" I whispered. Avi looked up from his menu so that only his eyes were showing. He looked from left to right. Just then, a girl walked up to him and my phone began to buzz. It was from Lena

"Are you out with Avi Kaplan of Pentatonix"she asked. "It's all over Instagram" I didn't reply. Instead, I looked up at Avi.

"What exactly did you say was your major was" I asked skeptically. He hesitated.

"I didn't" he answered a little sheepishly. I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms. "I guess you really don't know" he said.

"I really don't" I replied. It was from there that he explained everything. From the Sing Off, to something about Meat and potatoes, to where he is now. I was silent for a minute. I would occasionally look down at the food that arrived while he was telling his story in an attempt to stall while I thought of something to say. Can you blame me? It's not every day you go out with a Grammy award winning musical artist. I opened my mouth to speak.

"So let me get this straight" I said. Avi looked at me with anticipation "you're not a student" I asked and smiled.

"No" he answered laughingly.

"Hmm. Dang, I knew you were too charming" I teased

"I knew you were too beautiful" he replied.

" it was bound to fail from the beginning" I rebutdtaled. The two of us laughed.

"Hey, you wanna get out of here?" Maybe take a walk" he asked. I nodded and the two of us finished our food and left to walk through Central Park.

Dance This way: An Avi Kaplan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now