Dragon's rage

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"Oh hey Jack" I said half heartedly and a little uneasy.

"Mind If if I cut in" he asked slyly.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do" I said before Avi could say anything. The last thing I wanted was him ruining the night. I grabbed Avi's hand and made an attempt to lead him away from Jack before he could get a chance to make things annoying. In my attempt, I was stopped by Jack who had grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his embrace. He placed his hands on the small of my back

"Come on Erica, throw a guy a bone" he said pretending to beg. I tried to break free of his grasp. Avi had gotten between us and loosened his pull on me.

"Hey man, just back off" he asserted.
"She's not interested" I could see the anger rising in Avi. I had never seen this side of him before. I was shocked a little at his actions. In all my observations, I never left the security of the space behind Avi.

"Why not let her decide that" Jack asked egging him on. I couldn't believe Jack. I grabbed Avi's hand to stop anymore friction. He looked back at me and unclenched his fist. I pressed my forehead to his shoulder in an attempt to beg him to keep calm.

"Jack, now isn't a good time" I said looking up from Avi's shoulder. He let out a smug little smirk. Despite my words I could feel Avi take a step forward and his chest pressed to my hand. I could feel the firmness of his torso in one touch.   "Jack, Just go" I told him coming back to reality. Jack raised his hands slightly as if he was being held at gun point.

"Okay, No need to call the national guard" he said with a smirk. "Jeeze, Erica, you should warn a guy before you get a new security dog" he said chuckling. Jack had turned to leave but I just hear him making that smug little smile of his.

"Thanks" I said to Avi but I didn't meet his gaze. I was too ashamed and embarrassed. What Mitch said at dinner has absolutely nothing on what I was feeling at that moment. I didn't have to worry about labels or titles. There was no way he'd want to be with me after what just happened. Stupid Jack. I finally had a chance with an amazing human being and Jack had to interfere again. I didn't know why he felt the need to to constantly step on my toes like this.

"We should go" Avi suggested. I nodded and we met up with the others. By now, Avi had taken his hand back and my heart had sank to the bottom of my stomach.

We separated from the guys and Kirstie. In light of what had just happened, Avi decided to walk me home. I tried to tell him that I was fine and that made the walk by myself all the time. He insisted he walk with me but was silent and it was unsettling. I didn't know my mind could race this face nor my heart beat this loud. I thought for sure he could hear it and that it could burst from my chest at any given moment. I didn't like this. I didn't like seeing him so upset.

"Nice dance moves back there. Those hips really don't lie" I said in a lame attempt at breaking the deafening silence. He didn't say anything. We continued walking in silence with only the sounds of dogs barking and idle conversations from other people as background noise. "You know, you haven't really said much since we left 'The Hall'" I pointed out sadly. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to push him, but at the same time, I hated the idea of him not being able to talk to me. "Avi, please" I took his hand in mine pleading for a response. The two of us had stopped in front of my apartment building and sat down on the steps.

"I'm being distant and I know" he admitted. "It's just that I hated the idea of that guy pulling on you like that" he said. "What's that guy's deal anyway" he asked. I sighed.

"Jack is a senior with me at school" I admitted in a sigh. "He hits on me every now and again, but it's nothing really" I explained sheepishly. It's just how the two of us are. It's our dynamic and he just goofs around. It's nothing to get too upset about" i told him. I don't know how, but suddenly it felt like I was making excuses. He didn't say anything.  "I know he can be a little obnoxious at times but He's harmless" I added.

"Well it didn't seem harmless to me" he said getting angry all over again.

"Avi, it's fine. I'm fine" I said trying to calm him.

"No, Erica, it's not fine" he argued. He stood from the stairs and turned to face me. "Who does he think he is putting his hands on my girlfriend like that" he asked angrily, but the look on his face afterwards signified that he had surprised himself with his own words. "I mean, you know" he began to stutter. I also stood to meet his gaze and kissed him on the cheek.

"I know what you meant, because I was wondering what my boyfriend would think of if another man would be so bold." I said with a wink. I began to climb the front steps of the building. I had made it to the third step before I felt Avi's hand in mine. He pulled me backwards so that I would fall into his arms. I laughed as he held me bridal style and swung me around. I held on for dear life. He laughed at my being nervous.

"You're not allowed to be scared of being lifted. You're a dancer." He said through laughing.

"Oh good sir, thank you for saving me from the evil one" I said dramatically when he stopped. "How can I ever repay your bravery". Avi smiled at me.

"Fear not fair maiden, for I shall discover a way" he replied back. I looked up at him. The street lights made his eyes look like pools I would gladly drown in. I couldn't resist. He kissed me and it was like time itself has stopped in its tracks. It felt as though we were the only people in the world. I could've stayed like that forever because in that moment, we were infinite.

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