Chapter 21: Love

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"I don't know now."

I could hear the fear in her voice. Wrapping my mind around the thought of being a father sacred me and the thought of being a mother scared her. But my mind still thought of her knowing her new future, one without the Force.

"Kahsow. What do you mean you worry for its life?"

All she did was exhaled really loud. Then, the dam bursted. Tears streaming down her face, her hand grasping her stomach, she looked at me. "Ben, that night after our memorable dinner. I felt different. Like a motherly different. So I went behind your back which by the way, I'm not sorry for. I went to the doctor and found out I was pregnant. I was going to tell eventually but this cursed hand couldn't wait." She chuckled. I grabbed the hand that held the scar and there wasn't anything. "Ben, I'm no longer-, "Force-Sensitive." She went silent. Shocked at the fact I knew.

"Luke told me. He felt it."

"Ben. I am so sorry."

"Do not worry. It's okay. I didn't fall in love with how you held the Force with such grace but I fell in love with you. The real you. The one I knew when we were younglings and now. Now. About the baby."

She gazed down to her stomach, her hand still rubbing. "I'm scared that when I gave you my potion, I gave its' as well. Can you," grabbing my hand to feel her stomach, "see if it is one with the Force? Or even if its alive?"

"Are you sure? I could end up putting you and its in pain."

"Please." She squeezed my hand tighter.

Seeing the fear, the despair in her eyes, I focused on her eyes. Then, I felt it. I felt the new life within her. Apparently my eyes must have glowed with excitement because Kahsow smiled.

"It's alive?!"

"Yes! You're going to be a mother!"

"And you're going to a father, Ben!"

We hugged then we parted then we placed our foreheads together. "Kahsow."

"Ben." We kissed for a little bit. "Ben. Is it Force-Sensitive?"

I sighed, our foreheads still touching. "Yes." I felt her smiling when she kissed me again.

"I love you, Ben."

"And I love you, Kahsow."

She offered the side of the bed for me to sleep on and I took it up. The chair was getting uncomfortable. I was thankful for the offer. As we slid under the blanket, her head on my chest, my arm around her, my hand on her stomach.

I am going to be a father. All I hope for is he or she will not turn to the Dark side as I did. Wait, how did I turn back? Never mind that, Ben. Just enjoy this moment and from then on. You have Kahsow besides you and your unborn child. Just enjoy this.

I fell asleep with her in my arms.

A few hours later, Kahsow shook me awake. I started to panic, fearing the worst.

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