Chapter 19: Exhale

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Ben Solo

As I watched her give her life, everything made sense. Her love for me, love for Luke, love for the Force. She was the Foretold Mediator. Flashbacks of our unforgettable nights, conversations, our dinners, our fights poured into my mind. She was screaming but it wasn't a pained scream but a willing scream. Supreme Leader was in agony. He was being turned into dust. He was dying. I started to feel the bonds of the Dark side being released from my soul. Then everything went silent. I looked at Kahs panting for breath. She was dying right before my eyes. All I could remember was the interesting statement. "A tear can show emotion but it can save a life." Her eyes turned to me in sadness. I ran to her as she collapsed. She fell into my arms, gasping for her last breath. Raising a hand to my face wiping any tears away, she whispered, "I love yo-." Her last exhale escaped her lungs. Her hand dropped to the floor, her body fell limp in my arms, her eyes drooped close. She looked content, happy, and loved.

"No-o-o-o! No." I whimpered in a hushed tone. "You can't leave me. I need you. You were the only one who made me feel complete." As I held her forehead to mine, I lost all control over my emotions. Tears raged down my face like a river. I heard a sad voice behind me. I gasped as I turned around, startled. I turned to see Rey, Finn, and Luke standing in the doorway. Tears was dropping onto Rey's neck.

"You killed her." She shuddered.

"No. She gave her life. I didn't kill her." I responded. "In a way, she killed me for good." Luke stood there misty eyed. He was seeing his nephew for the first times in years, standing over his 'daughter's' body.

"She has fulfilled it."

"Fulfill what?!" Rey screamed. I still was holding Kahsow in my arms.

"She was the Foretold Mediator. She was the middle person between the Dark and the Light. She did this to herself." I looked back at Kahsow's closed eyes. "Wait." I whispered to her. "A tear can show emotion but it can save a life. Save a life. Oh, Kahsow, you clever woman." I smiled as I cried. Finally, a teardrop dropped onto her cheek.

Then she began to glow, heat radiating from her skin, slowly beginning to float in mid-air. I stumbled backwards onto my back as I watched her in horror. I held my arm up to my eyes avoiding the chances of being blinded. Then a loud explosion rang through our ears. Clouds, dust were blown in all directions. Then everything went quiet. I got up to my feet, stilling blocking my eyes now from the dust. As I walked through the cloudy aura surrounding Kahsow, I saw her lying on her side, hair in her face, arms out in front of her. She began to stir. I raced myself over to her so that if she was to open her eyes, I was there. The first thing she would see.

"Kahsow?" Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Luke's. I jerked it away but he placed it back on it again.

"Ben. Come. We must go. This ship is about blow any minute.

I swooped Kahsow into my arms, cradling her, protecting her from sparks, blasts, any harm. We all ran to a Resistance ship in an First Order hanger. A rare but dangerous sight. All I could think about was Kahsow. I fear for her life. As we boarded the ship, the amount of disgusted looks I received were overwhelming. I kept my eyes focused Kahsow and her breathing. As I laid her down, a medic pushed me out of his way. "Man, you will not push me away!" I roared, forcefully pushing him out of my way. I started to stroke her long brunette waves and small braids.

"Ben. Please do control your anger for now. She needs you to." Luke disciplined me. I stayed by her side, letting the medic monitor her and review her. Then, a rumble was heard and felt throughout the ship. My beloved Dagouer 734 was blown to pieces. But I could care less for my new beloved was possibly dying before my eyes.

"Kahsow. I love you with all my heart. You actually made me a better man while you made yourself a victim to the Force. I was foolish to even think you would join me." I chuckled at a memory. "Rmemeber the time when you knocked my stick out of my hands, pushed me down on to my back? You were 14 and I was 17. You were small in comparison with me. I wiped you out making you fall on to your side. Then before I could get up, you were sitting on top of me. You held your arm to my neck, panting and groaning of pain. I was too." I chuckled again. This memory was one of my favorite memories. "Your hair was in my eyes and I brushed them off then I saw your sky blue eyes filled with excitement. You finally knocked me down. Then, I put my hands on your hips, your hands grasped my face then we kissed. I loved you, I love you. Please come back." I whispered, putting my forehead onto hers. Then. I felt a stir, a hand searching for a hand. I quietly gasped then I grabbed her hand and gave it a slight squeeze then she responded back with a squeeze.

"Ben." She painfully whispered.

"Please. Do not try to speak. Rest I beg of you." I shushed her. She complied by closing her eyes and falling back into her restless rest. I slumped back into my chair and fell asleep.

We landed several hours later with the help of lightspeed. I gently picked Kahsow up and followed the medic to the Hospital. As they took her away from me, it felt as if someone took a huge portion of my heart out.

Then I heard a familiar soft spoken voice. "My Ben." I turned around to meet eyes similar to mine.

"Mother." I stood in my place refusing to step forward.

"Please. Do give your frail mother a hug." She reached her hands out gesturing for a hug. I stood there, holding back regretful and angered tears. I finally took a step forward to her. I melted into her arms. We both cried into each other's hair and neck.

"Mother. I love you."

"And I love you. My Ben. I am so sorry if we have failed you."

"Yes, but please. Let put that into the past now. Kahsow brought me back. But I will say this, I was not sorry for Father. But now, I am."

"Oh my Ben. He forgives you. I forgives you. Kahs forgives you. Always remember that." I shook my head in acknowledgement.

Days passed. Kahsow was still unconscious. I still received distrusted, disgusted, angered looks. Mother has updated me with her life. I still refused to leave Kahsow's side only leaving the room when I used the toiletries. I ate, slept, lived by her side. I began to worry for her even more so.

Then, something unexpected happened.


Omg! I loved writing this one out. What is going to happen to Kahs? Did y'all noticed what I did with names? Let me know of you saw them!

Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and voting!

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