Chapter 8: Memories

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I woke up to the mechanical breathing. I slightly opened my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. I saw Kylo Ren standing the very corner from last night. Perhaps he didn't leave after all.

Silence filled the air. I decided to stretch causing me to moan, cracked my bones, and my tunic to raise a little bit to show my lower abdomen. He stood silent.

"Well, this is awkward." A dry chuckled finally brought a little noise to the eerie silence.

"Get up. We have work to do."

I pushed myself up and out of the bed. I clapped my hands, "Yeah. I'm ready for some action. These hands needs to get to work. They're itching."

The door opened and Ren stepped out, turned to face me and said, "Five minutes. Training room. Change." And the door shut close.

I saw a stack of clothes. I walked over to the corner, investigated the clothing. It contained black sweatpants, a tunic and a belt.

I changed in two minutes time. I opened the door to be greeted with two Stormtroopers. We were at the Training Room in three minutes.

Wow. They are sure punctual here.

I saw Kylo Ren standing in the distance, holding two sabers.

"Out now," his altered voice reigned throughout the room. All Stormtroopers did so. "Here." He held one of the sabers out towards me. I walked over to him hesitantly. I grabbed the saber and took three steps back. I chuckled, "So, you now wanna fight me?"

The next thing our sabers were clashing. Grunts were said. My little quips were made. His voice remained silent. One final clash was allowed. As we hit sabers, our faces, well, my face and his helmet met over the him of the sabers with only a foot between us. We both breathed heavy. He finally spoke.

"You are strong with the Force. You certainly do know tricks and ways." He gasped for air.

I as well gasping for air, said, "Well, the best in the Light trained me. Also," lowering my saber, "I am a fast learner."

He bowed his head in acknowledgement.

Our first of many sessions ended. He gestured me to walk out. I did so with him following me. I could feel him watching my every step.

As we stepped out of the room, he approached my left. Without turning, "Follow me."

The two previous stormtroopers followed closely behind me with me behind Ren. We approached a door. The duo then went their own ways. The door opened and Ren stepped inside with me copying so. I scaned the room to see, a bed, chair, another door, and in the far corner by the bed was a ruined, burnt, smashed up helmet. His steps thudded in the room. I couldn't tell if he was angry or just walking. He stopped right before the foot of his bed. I stood still by the door. He reached over one shoulder, unhooking one side of his armor, and he repeated the same on the other. I blurted out, "You better not be stripteasing me, you freak."

He remained silent. He finished to reveal his pants and tunic. But his helmet still remained intact. I felt slightly more comfortable to approach him. I put a hand on his shoulder forcing him to face me. I put both hands on the helmet, he grabbed my wrists. "It's okay," I whispered. I continued to remove the helmet. The lighting wasnt helping me to see who was behind this mask. I took another small step forward. I looked as his black curls draped across his face. I put the helmet on the bed and raised a finger to move the curls. I saw sad brown eyes looking at the ground. A scar across his right eye. Something welled up inside of me. A long forgotten memory.

Innocent laughter filled the air. I was only 10. My feet were pushing me on to run. I looked back to see a young boy only about three years older than me running after me.

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