Chapter 12: Betrayal

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Kylo Ren


"No! No, you can't do this to me!" I bellowed towards Skywalker.

"You know it is inside of you and you must fight it. So mediation is the only way to help you battle this." His tone was soft but stern.

"No and you can't make me." I stormed out of the Mediation Chamber. I stormed past Kahsow's chamber. I paused in my path of destruction. I wondered if Kahsow was in her chamber. I opened the door very slowly just enough to peek my head in. She was sound asleep. Peaceful. Grateful to be in Luke's care. I silently sighed as I closed the door. I put my forehead on her door and whimpered in a whisper, "You have helped me. You battle the same but you will never know."

I could sense Luke looking on in the distance. I left in sadness. This battle inside of me raged even stronger as I left the Temple. As I stood outside at its gates, I screamed this desperate scream. Marching into the woods, going wherever my feet took me, slicing everything in my path, until my legs finally gave out. As I was on my knees, sobbing out of pure frustration. I must have been there for hours.

"Ben?" A familiar, gentle and sweet voice whimpered through the woods. "Ben." I felt a hand collapsing on my upper back then I turned and though my vision was blurry, throat aching, I saw my rock, my best friend, my meant to be. She was sixteen at the time so she still had her youthful cheeks.

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