Chapter 20: Life

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She fluttered her eyes opened, taking in deep breaths. She ever so slightly turned her head to me. Raising a finger to tuck my stray hairs behind my ears, she hoarsely whimpered, "Ben. You're here."

I carcassed her hand that rested on my cheek. "Yeah. You're alive as well. Safe and sound."

"Do you feel any different?"

I chuckled at the question. "What do you mean?" I raised a brow.

"I mean in the Force. Do you feel any different?"

"Let's not talk. You need to rest. You died." I smirked as she gasply chuckled. She closed her eyes again and I gently grabbed her hand and rested it by her side. Then I gave her a little peck on the tip of her cold nose then a small little kiss on her lips. Then I left her, feeling a little bit more comfortable to know that she was going to pull through.


As I slept, I dreamt. I dreamt about what my father and mother were like. Who they were, how they were. I knew that once I get my strength back, I was going to ask Luke Skywalker. I was going to have a sit down with and ask him my questions. But for now, I knew I had to rest. After all, I did give Ben my lifeline.

Ben Solo

As I walked down the hallways, even two months after the fall of The First Order, I still received looks. I did murdered hundreds of thousands of people. Most their friends, family, co-workers. I struggled to maintain my anger. Mother tried to help me but I warned her to not even try. I didn't want to, no, I couldn't risk going crazy again. Then one night, Kahsow was asleep on my left side and I'm slumped in the chair, Luke came in quietly. I felt anger, despair, regret.

I hopped out of my chair and rushed to meet face to face with him preventing him getting closer to Kahsow. "What do you want, Luke?"

"Ben, we need to talk. Just among ourselves. We have a lot to talk about."

As I looked over my shoulder to see Kahsow still sleeping peacefully, I reluctantly followed Luke out of her quarters to a empty chamber.



We didn't meet eyes rather, we both stared out of the same window. He started to talk but I stopped him. "Luke. I will not apologize for turning but," I paused for a breath, "I will apologize for the mass murder. That is all."

"Ben. I am the one who needed to apologize. I put way too much pressure on you after I knew that you felt the pull." I said nothing. We still haven't met eyes.

"I love her. As we both are strong in the Force, it is wrong but I will still love her. You cannot and will not stop me."

I saw him slightly slump on the corner of my eye. I finally turned to him. He finally spoke after a while. "You are strong with the Force. Not her."

"Wait, what? What you mean, she isn't strong with the Force? She is!"

"She was. She gave whatever left remaining in her right before she destroyed Snoke. If she didn't, the explosion could have been catastrophic results. We probably would have not mad it out. But whatever she did, however she did, but she did. She gave you her potion of the Force. She is now no longer Force-Sensitive. She saved our lives by giving hers. I do not know how she came back but nevertheless, she is okay."

I couldn't understand what I was hearing. My true love, my Kahsow, wasn't Force-Sensitive anymore. But I could care less about that. I didn't fall in love with her just because she had the Force. I fell in love with her. Her spunk, humor, her laugh. Her eyes. And her smile. I fell in love with the way when she smiled, her eyes squints. The way when she laughs, she throws herself back. The way when she really find something funny, she snorts. I fell in love with they she handles herself with a gun or saber. Her banters with me. I fell in love with her being her.

"Are you okay?"

I stared absentmindedly but he snapped me out of it. "Yeah yeah. Um, thank you. Good day." I left to go back to Kahsow's quarters. As I opened the door, she was struggling out of bed. I rushed to her side just as she collapsed.

"What are you doing?" I put her arm around my neck to support her and gently laid her back in bed.

"I need to get up and move. I'm tired of this place." She started to get drowsy.

"Kahsow, please just sleep. Perhaps tomorrow, we can go for a stroll."

She smirked just as she fell asleep. As I watched her close her eyes, thoughts overwhelmed me.

How will she feel? Does she even know? Does she care?

I fell asleep by her side once more. Then the next day, someone shaking me gently woke me up. It was Mother.



"How is she?"

Grateful for the fact that she wasn't going to take me away like Luke did, I murmured a 'okay'. I kept my eyes trained on her.

"We have a lot to talk about."

"Mother please. Do not take me away. Luke did that and it nearly killed me."

A sincere smirk was shown, "Very well. We can talk here." She sat down on the edge of the bed and began. "Ben. I am and your father," she paused to hold back a sob, "are so sorry for sending you off. We thought it was best for you but we later realized, it was best for us. And for that we are sorry." She grabbed my hand and held it to her chest.

I scooted to the edge of my seat. "Mother. I know that I can never forgive you for sending me off. Refusing your love. But what you need to hear is an apologie from me." I sighed and gripped her hand tighter. "I am sorry for Father." Tears finally broke and streamed down my face. She held me close with arms wrapped around in a motherly embrace. She whispered even more quietly, "I love you, Ben Solo."

Those words. I have been waiting to hear those words for years and they are finally said. "Mother. I love you." We held the embrace long enough for Kahsow to wake up and sighed.

"So sweet."

We parted and Mother chuckled. "And how are you, honey?"

Kahsow shrugged as if she was okay but antsy to get moving. Mother then left her and I alone. "Hey." She moaned as she sat herself up.


"Have you even left my side?"

"Once or twice."


"Okay, I only left to use the toiletries and one other time by Luke's orders. But other than that. No."

She chuckled quietly, "So basically, you lived in that chair?"

I smirked, "Yeah." Then I got up and sat in bed facing her. I stared into her eyes, searching for any acknowledgement of her losing it.

"What are you doing?" She broke me out of my stare.

"Do you remember anything?"

She sighed as if she did remember. "The last thing I remember was you watching on." She began to shiver as the thought of her dying scared her.

"Kahsow, I'm right here. Nothing bad will happen."

"I know but I'm scared now, for its life." She rubbed her belly and I looked at it in confusion. I looked back at her only to see her eyes filled with tears.

"Are you-you," unable to finish my question, she spoke, "I don't know now."


Woo! Big cliffhanger!!! Is she or was she pregnant? Are y'all glad to see Ben finally making amends? Do y'all want to see him making more amends? Let me know!

I am thinking of writing another book in connection to this but I would have no idea how to keep it going. Let me know what you like to see happen. Out of all the scenarios you can think of, what do you want to see happen? Let me know!

Thank you so much readin, commenting, and voting.

So I'm down with terrible allergies so let's talk Star Wars.

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