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I walked down the street leaving the meeting I attended to scheduled with my friends.

I went to my twitter page and tweeted:

"If gay people could reproduce there would be less hate in the world"

I tweeted that because the main reason while the Christian dick suckers are on our back it's because god created a female and a male so they can reproduce and blah blah blah. If gays could do that we'd have less shit out of them.

I walked to the apartment complex and got in the elevator. Someone ran and managed to slip through the doors before it closed.

I heard him scoff when he got in. I looked over to him and he was looking at me with disgust.

"Oh hi." I said smiling.

"Don't talk to me faggot." He said and I looked at my 'gay pride' button I had attached to my shirt.

I stopped the elevator with the button. "Why?" I asked him crossing my arms.

He rolled his caramel eyes. "Because what you stand for is disgusting." He said.

"Does me standing here make you want to want to regurgitate?" I asked him.

"Yes." He said.

I smirked. "Glad I have the power to do that." I said and pressed the elevator button again.

"You don't." He said and I stopped the elevator once more.

"You just told me I did. Hmm." I said turning around to look at him again.

"You're disgusting but you could never have any type of power over me." He said and I stepped closer to him but leaned against the elevator wall.

"You're homophobic. I believe that means you're scared of gays yes?" I asked smiling.

"They should call it homophobist." He said

"Good for you! You practice discrimination against gay people. But to let you know I sleep fine knowing you don't understand me or anyone that I stand with." I said taking a step closer now.

I didn't want him to hit me because I was being a bit forward.

"Don't take another step near me." He said flicking his black hair out his face.

"Why you think you might catch a case of the gay? Highly contagious." I said and laughed to myself.

"You're not worth my time. Disgusting low life." He said and I went to press the button to make the elevator go again.

"Homophobic prick." I said looking at him. "See I could call you names too."

The elevator stopped on my floor. Before I left I looked to him and winked.

"Fear the queer." I said as the elevator closed.

Oh that was fun.

What a ugly way to start a good idea. Not proud of this. New story though.

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