"It's nothing, I'm okay. I just...I need to hug you because I'm afraid." I admitted, though slightly regretting it afterwards.

"About what?" He asked, curiosity not failing to linger in his tone. I felt bad about keeping a secret from him...But until I know for sure, I'm not telling him anything about the possibility of being pregnant.

Especially if I'm pregnant with his baby.

"It's nothing. I'll be fine. We'll be fine." I assured him, not really knowing if I meant him and I, or...a baby and I.

"Uh, okay? I have to go to practice." He said, pecking me tenderly on the cheek. "I'll be over at yours tonight." Luke winked, and walked away,

I sighed -though it was a happy sigh- and walked sluggishly back to the car.

I love Luke. I just do. It's hard not to love him. He can always make people laugh, and is sensitive when he needs to be. He's the total package! Aside the fact that he treats me like a princess, which I absolutely love, Luke's been my best friend since birth. We grew up together. He knows everything there is to know about me.

Luke's family is like my family. Our fathers were friends when they were in elementary, and started a law firm together as adults. Today, they are still very successful. Our mothers, you ask? They're what I like to call the 'Gossip Center' of our small town. They're always together, just gossiping away.

"Ready?" my sister asked once I reached the car.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I sighed in reply.

The rest of the ride was quiet. We bought four of the most trusted pregnancy test brands at the drug store, and left for the house.


"Hey daddy." I said with as much calmness as I could muster. He was on his way out when we got home, and I silently cursed the fact that we had to cross paths.

"Hey kids." He said, giving us both quick kisses on our foreheads. "I'm my way to the church. When your momma comes in, tell her I'll most likely be back for dinner. Caleb's upstairs. See-ya later!" He said, even quicker as he hopped in his car, and drove away.

My dad was also a pastor of a pretty impressive church. That would make my pregnancy even worse. Having sex before marriage isn't morally right, and morality is a big part of Christianity.

My dad, Isaiah, is a big family man. That's probably why he has such a big family. When five boys and two girls, my daddy's got his hands full with his job(s) AND his seven kids.

Isaiah Jr. is my oldest brother. He's twenty four, and currently in the military. I hardly see him anymore, only when he's back home. Though, that's only in rare cases. But we try to video chat and call each other as much as possible.

After Isaiah comes Daniel. Danny is currently twenty-two, and is studying law just like dad. He really looks up to daddy, and wants to be just like him. We all joke that of course, he's dad's beloved. He's in a committed relationship with his high school sweetheart, Haleigh.

Ryan is next. He's twenty-one and is studying in college that's actually not too far away. He's definitely the joker of all of us. He tries to keep everyone laughing, and create a humorous atmosphere. It usually works because when we're around him, it's tough not to laugh.

The youngest of the boys is Caleb. He's eighteen, going on lucky nineteen. He's still at home, and attends the local college. Caleb's the subtle momma's boy around here. However, it's obvious to say we all know that he's the troublemaker in this family.

Last but certainly not least Is Reagan and me, the twins. Reagan is the athletic/girly one and I'm the canny/comical twin. We complement each other well, or at least I think so. We also get along quite well. Aside from Luke, she's my best friend, and I'm hers!

I have a large family. That's not an overestimate to say. You'd think that since there's so many of us, we'd get into many brawls and arguments. But we actually get along quite fine. We look after each other. And that's what makes us a family.


"Alright! The directions say to pee on the sticks and wait about three minutes." I doubtfully took the four sticks from Reagan's hands ad did as I was told. When I was told, I put each stick on the sink counter and set a timer for three minutes. I tapped my foot edgily to the 'ticks'. This had to be the longest three minutes ever.

Reagan waited with me on the floor of the bathroom while the test processed the results.

"Whatever happens, I'll support you all the way. You know I will." She said sincerely. Before I could even reply, the timer we had set went off. I got up and picked up the first stick.


A soothing sigh escaped my lips.

"It's negative. I'm not pregnant." I said to her. She smiled at me, but her smile faltered when she picked up the next stick. I looked over her shoulder.


"Tea, this one is positive!" Reagan exclaimed the obvious, beaming like she just one a million dollars. "You must just be pregnant!" She hugged me tightly, gleaming into my shoulder. "I'm gonna be an aunt!" she squealed.

This couldn't be right. There's no way I'm pregnant. Wriggling out of my sister's grasp, I picked the last two sticks up hoping they wouldn't let me down.

Unfortunately, my hopes were crushed.

They were both positive.

And that's how the cookie crumbles.

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