No More Mission Impossible

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Banner: Left - Pietro Boselli as Daniel Burke. Right - Simon Nessman as Blake Carter.

AN: 2nd part. Let me know what you think in the comments and remember to vote :) xo

Several weeks had past since the whole Danny thing in Scoops and I was slowly mending. I finally had got definite closure with him which was the first step of moving on. Life carried on as usual, I would get up, go to school,  come home and go to bed. I was fine when I was with people but it scared me being alone, so Millie began to stay over a few nights a week. Mum had a show in Paris or Milan so she wasn't home and Daddy was working away with the firm. The first couple of nights, when I was alone, I got no sleep. Every time I shut my eyes, I would see Daniel's horrifying face, taunting me about sleeping with another girl. It made me begin to question if I was good enough for him. Good enough for anything. Millie noticed something wasn't right and made up some lame excuse about how the newly-wed couple next door sounded like grunting pigs every night as they went at it. She knows I don't like being pitied.

"So you're still in the nunnery?" Millie asks, just before we go to sleep.

"Jesus is still the only man in my life." I joke and turn over in my bed. Little did I know, my world would turn upside the next day. 

I woke up and pull on my black skinny jeans. I button up my white shirt with the Upper Lake High School logo on. It was mandatory to wear the shirt and we could then wear whatever on the bottom half, as long as it was black. I pull my hair back into a ponytail and start to put my make up on. Millie always wake up early, goes for a run and then go back to her house to get ready for school. Once I have finished, I take my hair out of the ponytail and the curls frame my face.

I leave my house and start walking to school. I'm listening to 'The Sound' by the 1975 when I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I pull my headphones out and turn around, only to see Blake Carter in front of me. Blake's an ultimate fuck boy. He has everything, the looks, the money, even the cute American accent. He's the year above me and happens to be one of the few good-looking boys in Sixth Form. All girls' schools have them. Hence, he's incredibly popular.

"Oh... er... hi." I say awkwardly.

"I thought you were ignoring me." He says smiling. "I didn't realise you had your headphones in."

"Oh yeah." I say, holding them up. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine. What were you listening to?" He asks. I hand him an earphone and resume the song. He nods along and when the song finishes I expect him to take it out, but he doesn't, he continues listening to the next song. Awkwardly, I trip over and quickly see the ground coming closer and closer to my face. What a great day to inherit the clumsy gene. But the ground doesn't meet my face, Blake catches me by grabbing hold of my arm. To stop me from smashing my head against the concrete, he's pulled down top so his face is precariously close to mine. Blake smiles and my heart does a small jump. His hand somehow manages to intertwine in mine. I scold myself and remind myself that I'm a nun, in a nunnery with Jesus as the only guy in my life.

"Oh, er thanks." I say.

"Anytime." He says smiling. He seems genuinely happy to be with me.

"I'm not going to fall over again." I say, looking down at our intertwining hands.

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