Chapter 3

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Chappy Tres!!!!!

Brii's POV:

Me and prod walked hand and hand in the park as the children played around us. Oh yea I almost forgot to say. Prod and I have been dating since we were 13...5 years and it's easy to say. I love this boy. I remember on my 15th birthday Prod gave me a promise ring that now hung around my neck by a thin silver chain. Engraved it said: I Love You. Briana and Craig Forever and A Day. He told his mom that when he's 18 he was gonna marry me and he's been for close to 8 months now. He hasn't said a word about it.

Prod: Come On Baby Girl. *takes brii's hand and pulls her towards the swings*

Brii: Im coming!!!!!

Prod: *Picks brii up by the waist and sits her and swing*

Brii: Why are we at the swings?

Prod: When I was 13. On this exact swing, I asked you to be my girlfriend. When I was 15. I gave you that promise ring on your neck and asked you if when we got older you would marry me.

Brii: *Runs hand over ring on neck.* Oh.

Prod: And im about to ask you another one. *Gets down on one knee* Briana Rain Harris, I loved you from when we were 8 and we played on the swing and you kicked me in the face. I loved you when I had to beat up the dude who pushed you in the pool. Your beautiful, amazing, crazy, weird, random, sweet, evil and dope. I promised you and remember my exact words: When we're 18 and its legal, I want to marry you Baby Girl. And Now We're both 18 and I want to ask you something...

Brii: *looking at him with sweet eyes*

Prod: Baby girl, I love you from every square inch of my heart and my body, Will you by The One, My Girl, Mrs Right, #1 Girl?

Brii: Hmmm .............................................................Nope *smiling*

Prod: Wait What?! *nervous*

Brii: I Was All of that since I was 13. All I want to be now Is Mrs Craig Crippen. Can I be that?

Prod: Yes, I will marry you *laughs and pulls brii of the swing so that she falls on top of him on the floor and puts ring on her finger*

Brii: Ahh you Bitch!!!! *kisses him then jumps up and runs*

Prod: Baby Girl where you going? *chasing her*

Brii: *yelling* I gotta go tell everybody im marrying Prodigy!!!!!!!! Before you can say we gotta keep it a secret!!!!!!

Prod: *tackles her but he breaks the fall and pulls her over to sprinklers and brings her in*

Brii: PRODIGYY!!!!!!!!! *Yells tryna break free*

Prodigy: *throws her over his shoulder and starts running*

Brii: *soaking wet and prod puts her down* I cant wait to get married.

Prod: How about right now? *smirking*

Brii: What?

Prod: Ya hear me. Lets go get married right now.

Brii: Without everyone else being there?

Prod: Big ceremonies are too much. How about we go get legally married and then throw a giant party?

Brii: Do I gotta wear a dress?

Prod: not if you don't want too. Do I gotta wear a tux?

Brii: Hellah Naw. Yuuh cute and all but tux aren't made for you.

Prod: *gasp*

Brii: I wanna go bug roc and domi now. Where they at.

Prod: Date, cant interrupt.

Brii: Where's Prince and Miracle?

Prod: Tux shopping, I don't play that.

Brii: shit. Wheres Dream?

Prod: I really don't know...

Brii: *Calls Dree*

Dream: What?

Brii: Bitch don't what me where you at?

Dream: Walking home *voice cracks*

Brii: Whats guud?

Dream: Princeton doesn't wanna marry miracle and I think we almost kissed. Then he dropped me on the floor. *Hears gun being pulled out*

Brii: Where these niqquahssss at?

Dream: Tux shop.

Brii: see ya there in 5, im bringing prod.

Prodigy: *in background* Noooo!!!!!

Dream: Hush yo mouth prod and get ready to bust a cap.

Prod: fine Im there...

** I Promise imma give Domi and roc a whole chapter or two for themselves cuz they haven't had one yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2011 ⏰

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