Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Luna felt the presence of blood streaming down her back. The whip cracked a couple of times, and she felt the surge of pain that came with it.  She was gaining consciousness, but something was very wrong…

  Her eyes opened and she saw her people, gazing, at her. They looked horrified. Luna tried to speak—but couldn’t. She was left, too, weak from the beating.

 “Stand her up!!” The guards held her up by her arms. 

 Oh God…Mamma help me…

  There was no answer. A huge hand slapped Luna across the face.

  “STUPID WHORE!!!” The man spat in her face.

  “Anything you—you do to me…. will come back at you ten times worse…” Luna spat up blood. The man laughed and pulled on her hair, forcing her to stand on her own.

  “Stupid bitch!” he laughed, again. “I know what you want…” he smiled and grasped his hand onto Luna’s face. A fowl smell came from his breath. Luna’s stomach twisted in sickness, as his face came closer to hers. He smothered her lips with his own, like the big drunk that he was. Luna clenched her jaw shut and glued her teeth together. She felt the sick acid come up in her throat. She couldn’t take it anymore…

  She puked on his mouth. And he recoiled backward in disgust.

  All the other guards laughed at him. Luna fell on her back like a sick animal. Everything became a daze to her. Her vision went blurry, and she knew she had pissed off the fat monster.

Once again she blacked out.

“Danny, you have to help me…you’re the only one who could…”  Present

  Desperate, she must have been. She must have been brainwashed by Tatiana. Eric stood in the presence of the girl, he was forced to love, and had lost his will for. Tish was his world. Tish was his life. Tish was his everything. It was hard to grasp onto reality without her. He would do anything for her. That meant anything… Eric would go to hell and back for Tish, so why was she being so manipulative? This wasn’t the Tish Eric had fallen for. They’ve known each other since they were infants. Something changed her. Something must have hardened her, made her colder, and made her more like him. Eric didn’t want Tish to be like him.

  And now, here they were, in the home of this human. This human’s name was Jen. She was involved with the mortal, Danny. Tish was getting into her head. And Tish was causing some serious pain along the way.

  “PLEASE, JUST STOP!! JUST STOP!!!” Jen began to screech, as Tish’s hands grasped around Jen’s cranium. Eric had already cast a spell to surround the house, so that no human could hear. They were in the clear to do anything to this human, Jen. The torture of her could go on for hours, undetected.

 If Danny truly cares about this human… I will enjoy causing her pain, even more, like he did to my Tish.

  Eric grinned to Jen’s screams. Tish wasn’t finished with the painful procedure, yet. The more the human struggled, the more painful it was going to be. Jen didn’t know that, and neither Eric nor Tish decided to tell her. Eric took a long look at Tish. Today, she was definitely acting different. Tish was being cruel with the human, and Eric didn’t know how to take that. Tish was sweet, kind, and everything innocent compared to him. She was so gentle and fragile—now look at her. She was turning into a monster. Thanks to Tatiana, Tish was becoming more powerful as a witch.

 “She’s not a witch,” Tish finally concluded. She arose from the human and drifted off to the side. Jen panted heavily, and her chest moved up and down, like she was just hit by a freight train. Sweat poured from her brow, and her face had turned scarlet red. Eric prevented her from moving anywhere. That human, Jen, couldn’t do anything to defend herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2011 ⏰

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