Bella's Hospital Experience

Start from the beginning

"No, you idiot!" Said Rosalie.

"Awww, Rosie! You know I was kidding!" Emmett said.

"I didn't know what to think." She muttered under her breath.

"Hey! I see us all going for a walk in the park!" Alice yelled over the commotion.

We all decided it was a good idea so we all took separate cars. Us siblings went into Emmett's jeep while Bella, Esme, and Carlisle went in the Mercedes.

When we got to the park all the couples held hands while I pushed Bella in her stroller. We were just walking past the playground when Carlisle and Esme stopped to look at Bella.

"What is it?" I said with concern.

"Oh this is just the exact spot where I told Carlisle I wanted a child." Esme said as she looked at Carlisle with love.

We all looked at little Bella with huge smiles on our faces. "I think we should mark this spot." Said Alice.

"How? It's not like there's a tree around here that we can carve our names into." Rosalie said.

"No silly! Not a tree, but the path we're standing on. So when Bella's older we can take her back her and say this is where it all started." Alice said like she was stating the obvious.

We all gave her looks of recognition. "Wow darlin' you're full of wonderful ideas." Jasper said as he gave her a kiss. It was starting to get heated when Emmett boomed, "Get a room! We have a baby here!"

That seemed to remind them where the were and they looked at us in embarrassment. They were even more embarrassed to see Bella was wide awake and looking at them with her big brown eyes.

"Back to the matter at hand please!" I said in annoyance.

When we all realized we were about to mark the concrete path, we made sure no humans were looking before we took our fingers and wrote:

Bella's Beginning

We made a heart around it with the year. We looked at our piece of work and we were pleased. We are definitely taking her back here when she's older.

After we made sure it was perfect we walked back to our cars so we could get home to put Bella to bed.


Today was Rosalie's turn to hold Bella and it was 4 o'clock in the morning. We were all waiting for her to wake up when Rosalie said, "I really have to hunt. Any of you girls want to come with me?"

We all stared at her in shock. Rose never gives up time with Bella. She must be really thirsty.

All the girls said yes so Rosalie gave Emmett Bella as they left. Now it was just us guys again. Great. Emmett cooed at little Bella while we were watching a football game.

Everything was pretty normal for the next couple of hours until the 49ers scored a touchdown with an unbelievable play. Emmett must have forgotten he was holding Bella so he immediately jumped up and threw his hands in the air out of excitement. We weren't expecting him to do that while holding Bella so she went flying and hit the ground with a thud. You could hear the crack of a bone when she fell.

Carlisle immediately came to her aid so he could find out what's wrong. Jasper went nuts because he is one of those protective big brothers while Emmett was dry sobbing in the corner because he had hurt his baby sister. I just stood there in shock. I couldn't believe our angel had been hurt. The women are going to kick our sorry asses.

I heard Carlisle yell over Bella's screaming, "She has a broken leg! We need to get her to the hospital so I can give her a cast!"

Carlisle picked up Bella and we sprinted to the car at vampire speed. The entire way there all we heard was Bella's crying and screaming. We all were in pain because hearing her like this hurt us.

When we finally got to the hospital, we rushed her to Carlisle's office where he put the cast on. It was a light blue cast and each one of us signed it right when we found a pen. Bella stopped crying about a half hour after we left the hospital. Now all that's left is to take care of the women.

They got home ten minutes later. Luckily Alice hadn't seen anything. We tried to hide Bella's cast by putting her in jeans, but Rosalie noticed. She looked so mad that I thought she was going to tear our heads off.

"Why is Bella wearing a cast?" She said angrily.

"We had an incident," Jasper whispered.

"What kind of incident?" Said a now angry Esme.

We told them what happened and afterwards they told us our punishments.

"Each one of you is not getting anything from us for a month and you men are never allowed alone with Bella ever again." Rosalie said with fury in her voice.

By then, all of us were on our knees begging for forgiveness. I really wanted to still have alone time with Bella. They refused to take back what they said. Once they put us out of our misery all of us men went on the couch to sulk. I have to make a mental note to never let Emmett hold Bella again.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to update soon. Comment and Vote!

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