Chapter 2

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My dreams aren't always bad. That is the chance you take when you close your eyes and let subconsciousness take over you. The minute you fall asleep and your thoughts fade away, you are surrendering control of your mind to the unknown within you.

Everyday at 12:00 on the dot I would go out on my front porch and sit on the steps. I would close my eyes and count to thirty real slow and by the time my eyes opened Newt would be sitting next to me.

"What is today's adventure?" He would ask me, grinning wide enough to show me his missing front tooth (he always bragged that he lost his teeth before I did, I even tried knocking mine out, but it never worked).

"Today we are..." I would pause, "going to the desert." That is the catch about our adventures, they are simply imaginary. There was no where to go outside of our town, no where beyond the big walls blocking us in. Even if there seemed to be no hope, no destination, we refused to let our imaginations become lost within the dead town, we refused to let our minds become constrained and forced to conform into the repetitive schedule of nothingness. Even if we were stuck here, at least our imaginations let us travel beyond the walls.

"Let the adventure begin!" Newt giggled leaving the steps and running into my back yard.

"Wait, I'm coming!" I screamed as I tried to catch up with him.

There was not one day that he was late to sit on the steps. Even on his worst days, which were numerous, he would be there.

It was a week before they took us. I opened my eyes to see Newt sitting there, but he didn't say a word. I nudged him, reminding him what he was supposed to say, but he wouldn't speak up.

"What is today's adventure?" I piped up hoping he would catch the hint, but he bowed his head instead.

"Something bad is happening," his voice quivered, look up at me with fearful eyes. "My mommy was yelling and my dad- he- he was crying. I never saw daddy cry, not even when they took my brother away before we came here. If daddy was crying, then something bad has gotta be coming."

I shake my head, refusing to believe him. "Maybe he had something in his eye."

"I know it. I know something is going to happen and I'm scared," Newt looks to me for some sign of understanding. I was tempted to tell him what I overheard my parents talking about, but I didn't want to admit I was scared, I had to be the strong one-

"Rosie, get up you bum we are going to be late for breakfast," Newt's voice pulls me out of sleep as he smacks a pillow against my face. I waited for him to lecture me about falling asleep in his room, but instead he hits me with the pillow again.

"Stop it!" I groan, pushing him off of me. I open my eyes to see him smirking down at me, offering his hand to help me out of bed. "What?" I glare at him.

"You were talking in your sleep," he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"No I wasn't," I cross my arms. "What did I say?"

"You said Newt a few times, and then you yelled 'I'm coming!'" Newt says with a smug grin, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Don't flatter yourself, I was having memories of us playing in the backyard!" I grab the pillow and hit his face hard. He stumbles backwards with a chuckle. "Now come on," I roll my eyes, putting a sweater on over my t-shirt and opening the door.

Newt grabs my arm, "you didn't even check before you opened the door are you bloody insane? Do you think they will ignore the fact you stayed in my room over night?"

Variables (The Maze Runner) WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now