Stupid Cramps (Request for Sun_Devil)

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Melody's POV

"Mel?" Piper's voice filled  my cabin. I was leaned over, holding my stomach. 

"Are you okay?" Piper sat down on the bed. I shook my head and groaned. 

"You sick or something?" she asked. 

"Cramps," I answered. She nodded and then said, "Breakfast is starting soon. Everyone is waiting," Piper told me. I stood up and winced when I felt the pain.


"Good morning," Luke grinned viciously as Piper and I approached a table. Chiron had allowed us to sit where we want when it wasn't summer. 

I ignored him and sat down next to Nico. I grabbed a plate from the center of the table. Instantly pancakes with wipe cream and chocolate chips filled my plate. 

Nico placed a warm hand on my thigh under the table. He leaned over and kissed my cheek sweetly, causing a smile to grow on my face. 

"Morning babe," Nico greeted. As I was about to respond a huge wave of cramps hit me. I grimaced in pain. 

"What? Is your boyfriend that repulsing?" Luke remarked. I glared at him. I was in pain and I didn't want to deal with him. 

"Just shut up Luke," Jason said. 

"Still no answer," Luke leaned forward. 

"Shut up Luke! Everyone knows I love my boyfriend. You just annoy us because you're jealous of our relationship, because you have no one like that," I snapped. I felt bad for saying that until he smiled.

"Yeah right."

I just shook my head and ate my pancakes. 


I was supposed to be training but the cramps were so bad. Chiron noticed when he was observing. He trotted over to me. 

"Are you alright Melody? Maybe you should go lay down in your cabin," Chiron said. I bit my lip and nodded in agreement. 


"Babe?" Nico called into my cabin. My siblings were still in training. 

"Hey," I called from the bed. He approached me, I could tell he was worried from his face. 

"I didn't see you during training or lunch. I got worried," Nico sat down by my feet. 

"I'm not feeling well."

"Cramps?" he asked while rubbing my calf. I nodded and closed my eyes. I felt Nico shift and then he was laying down next to me. He placed a big hand on my stomach and rubbed gently. I snuggled closer to him.

"I love you," he kissed my temple. 

"I love you too," I mumbled as sleep slowly swept over me. 

It's short I know. I just felt like I needed to update. Vote and comment. 

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