One day at a time part 2 (Request for Lyhackler644)

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Caroline's POV

2 years later....

I could never he normal. I tried to live in the modern world pretending that I was fine. That I was just like them. But I was miserable. 

Chiron sent me a letter 2 seems after I left camp. He offered me a purpose that I am now grateful to have.

 I was to help find demigods. He wanted me to go with someone like a partner but I didn't want to. I started to do it on my own.

I was alone but that was fine. I traveled a lot so I couldn't hold a job. Chiron paid me to find and help demigods.

 I find them, explain what's happen to them, then take them to camp. I never get close to them or talk personal. I don't want to get close for no reason.

"Who are you?" she demanded.

I was on a quest in a small town in Virginia. I was supposed to get this demigod girl to camp but she was stubborn. 

I hacked the school system and read her file just so I could know a little about her to convince her to come to camp. But it wasn't like I was kidnapping these kids. I only talk to the ones who's parents know that their children are demigods. The demigod girl's mom already told her that her father was a Greek God.

 The demigod girl was named Savannah. She was diagnosed with some serious anger issues. She also had a few other problems. 

I figured she was a child of Ares because of the violence in her record.

"I told you. My name is Caroline. I am a demigod like you. I am here to take you to Camp Halfblood. Your mother gave you permission to go," I kept my distance so she didn't feel threatened. 

Savannah held her baseball bat tight. We were in the athletic supply room. Savannah liked to take long showers after softball practice. She was the last one in the school and was supposed to lock up. 

"I know that I am a demigod. Mom told me. She never mentioned this camp or others," Savannah snapped. I clenched my teeth to stay calm.

I opened my mouth to retort but I heard something. There was a loud roar outside. Savannah's eyes widened in fear. I peeked out into the hall and see a giant monster past. It was huge with giant talon and a huge spikes, reptilian talk. I slowly shut the door and turned back to her.

"Look kid, you can either stay here and die or come with me and live. Your choice. But make it quick because I am out of here," I told her seriously. Savannah glared at me but nodded.

We slowly creeped out of the room and walked down the hall. 

"How do we get out of here?" I whispered. Savannah replied, "the only exit it down that hall and take a left." She pointed to the one where the monster was in.

"Any other way?" I whispered.

"Down this hall, take a right, go down the main hall, take a left, and down the steps and out the door," Savannah spoke quietly.

I nodded and we slowly walked in the opposite direction the monster was in. We were about to turn in the main hall when Savannah bumped into a trophy case. I almost groaned. Then I heard a growl. I slowly turned my head and there it was. The reptilian monster.

I yelled, "Run."

Savannah was in lead since she knew this place better. 

We ran down the main hall. The monster was thumping on the ground. Just as we were about to go down the steps the monster jumped over top of us and turned around. It hissed loudly. 

We turned around and Savannah led us. We ran down several hallways until we were cornered. There was the monster at the end of the hall. We were about to turn but were faced with another hiss. There were 2 monsters.

I took out my sword and the monster charged forward. I was too busy fighting one that I didn't hear Savannah's scream.

 I looked back for a split second to see Savannah trying to fight off the other one. I shouldn't have looked.

 The monster I was fighting threw my blade away. Then the monster pinned me to the ground while hissing in my face. One clawed hand pushed my face to the side so I could see Savannah.

Savannah was backed against the wall, looking at me in fear. 

"Get my sword and kill it. I can't get up," I yelled. 

Savannah picked up my sword with shaking hands. I watched as she fought the monster. She was fast and a natural. Soon she sliced open its neck. Dark green blood poured out. Savannah slid the sword over and I picked it up. Then I stabbed into its throat.

Savannah helped me push the thing off. I stood on steady feet. Savannah looked very frightened. I wasn't sure if she was an Ares kid. They were never afraid but they were trained. She would learn.

"I'm going with you to Camp," Savannah announced. I nodded and wiped off my sword with a wipe in my backpack. 

I looked at the dark green blood and huge monsters.

I signed and met Savannah's eyes.

"So, how are we going to clean this up?" 


If I made a Teen wolf imagine and preference book would you read it? Comment if you would. 

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