Broken Generation

Start from the beginning

"Have you ever had a boyfriend Rose?"

"Wow, Austin way to ramp this game up and we're only on question three. If you really must know, I've never had a boyfriend because my dad and uncles were very protective of me."

I regret my choice of words instantly as Austin stops the swing bringing me to a halt. It slipped out, I didn't mean to bring up my past and now he probably thought I was a freak talking about my kidnappers like they were my family. But Alex was my family for the last ten years, I couldn't forget that overnight.

Austin kneels in front of me I and try to look anywhere but his face, I didn't want to discuss this right now.

"Don't ask Austin, I'm not ready to share. Just know that I'm not crazy, for ten years my kidnappers raised me like their own daughter and never once made me feel like a captive."

"Okay, you're not crazy Rose. I won't push you any further, tell me in your own time."

Next thing I know I'm throwing myself at Austin, he catches me but we both tumble to the ground. I stare into his eyes before we both burst into laughter.

"Maybe jumping off the swing and taking you by surprise wasn't my best idea today."

"I can tell you're going to keep me on my feet Rose." He chuckles, stroking my cheek making me blush.

I sigh, "It's my turn to ask you a question, Austin. Do you believe in the supernatural?"

Beneath me Austin tenses but quickly composures himself, "I do believe Rose, but why do you?"

I shrug my shoulders and roll off Austin getting back to my feet and brushing the dirt off my knees. Austin sounded serious about believing, then I remember the conversation I overheard the hunters having about Austin being a werewolf. I chew my lip and start to rub my wrist with the birthmark on.

"Do you find it odd that we share the same birthmark with Oli? Birthmarks are normal and unique to an individual, but to share the same exact birthmark with two other people isn't normal."

"I know it isn't normal, but don't trust Oli he's not a good influence. He plays the smooth card, but he goes after anything with a pulse and I don't want you to be another notch on his bed."

There was something else Austin wasn't telling me, but he was trying to hide it behind warning me off Oli. Did he know what it meant? And if so why didn't he just come out with it? Then again I could just confront him about being a werewolf and ask what Oli was to save some time, but it wasn't the easiest thing to bring up in conversation.

Staring at Austin hoping he'd crack I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. The caller ID said 'mum' and in my gut, I just knew this phone call wasn't going to be pleasant.

"Hi, mum-"

"Where are you, Rose? And don't lie to me."

I don't think I'd heard her sound this angry since I returned. She and dad stepped on egg shells around me. I shuffle on the spot and Austin shuffles closer trying to hear the conversation.

"I'm at the park with Austin. I'm getting to know my old friend again."

"You are coming home right now and are forbidden from going to that park again Rose."

I scoff and kick the grass around my feet, "how did you even know I was here mum? I'm sixteen; I can do what I want with whoever I want."

"Don't you speak to your mother like that? A concerned friend rang the house if you really must know. Maybe hanging out with Austin isn't such a good idea anymore, he got you kidnapped once and it could happen again."

Ghosts | Oliver Sykes/Austin Carlile/Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn/All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now