Chapter 2 - Small Problem

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It was now 2 days until the concert, I had done a lot of research on One Direction, I had to thank their fans for how easy it was. They do a better job than the FBI when it comes to finding out things about these 5 boys.

 “Harry has a star tattoo on his bicep. All members of the Star Alliance have the same tattoo.” I muttered to myself, scribbling that down on a piece of paper. I continued to scroll through the current website I was on, looking for any more information. Nothing. I minimized the screen and opened up a new tab typing on Google images ‘Harry Styles star tattoo’. I hit the search button and waited for the images to load. “Hmm, the star was recently filled with ink. I wonder why?” I said with a raise of my brow, enlarging the picture.

Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

My iPhone vibrated loudly against the countertop. I reached over and grabbed it, glancing at the caller I.D before answering the call. It was W.

“Yes?” I answered, leaving the kitchen and walking over to my balcony for better reception. I opened up the glass door and stepped out onto the large balcony that over looked London. It was night and so the weather had gotten a bit chillier.

“Arianna, we’ve got a bit of a problem. It might interfere with our plan.” W said, the background noise was distracting. I couldn’t tell what the noise was coming from? Some kind of vehicle?

“And what’s that?” I asked, leaning my forearms on the sturdy railing as I shifted my weight from one leg to the other.

“Harry Styles has a girl friend. He tweeted it about 5 minutes ago,” W replied, I heard a gunshot in the background which nearly made me drop my phone off the 10 story building.

“Where the fuck are you?” I asked, changing the subject completely. I’m sorry but you can’t have a conversation whilst someone is dying in the background.

“Just finishing of some business,” W replied as if it was no big deal, the loud engine noise started again followed by the slamming of the door. He must have gotten into a car or something.

“Okay, whatever,” I said, shaking my head, “So what are we going to do? I doubt Styles’ girl friend will let me get that close to him,” I said, returning to the original subject.

“You are going to have to do it behind her back, make Harry fall for you,” W said as if it was obvious.

“Alright...” I said with a sigh, “Night, W.”

“Good luck,” He said before ending the call.

This was going to be a bit harder than I antipcated.

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