Chapter 1

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Shay's POV

I was sitting at home watching a movie on netflix and then my bedroom door open and a screaming Sammy jumping into the room. "LOOK AT SASHA'S INSTAGRAM!" I'm confused, did something happened? "Uhm, first stop jumping like a monkey, Second what happened with Sasha?" She just sigh "Just look at her insta and you will find out!" She's smiling like an idiot, wait.. did she post anything about Emison? Maybe she tease the fans a little bit. I took up my phone and clicked on the insta icon and I scrolled til I saw the photo of her and Hudson I read the caption and it said 'The best day of my life (ring emoji) Thank you jonnieandgarrett for capturing the moment' She's engaged? woow! I happy for them, I really am!

"She's engaged?! Wow, that's really big news!" I said and smile and Sammy looks at me funny. "What?" "I thought you would be more excited but you seem sad" She answered me. Wait, sad? why would I be sad? Sasha and Hudson has been together for years, why would this bother me?

Sammy sat next to me, "I know that I work for you but you're also my friend so can you please tell me what's on your mind?" honestly I don't know why I feel so sad inside of me, maybe it's nothing or maybe that I miss being with someone, have someone close to you and live happily ever after. I maybe not going to get that chance. Sasha have find her true love, and here I am sitting in my room watching netflix movies. What the hell is going on with me?

"I'm happy for them, I think I just miss being in love I guess" I told Sammy, who nodded her head. "Well you know you're going to find someone and be happy don't worry about it"


"Have you even look at yourself? every guy wants you, trust me"

I laughed at that comment

"Thanks for that, but I think I should call Sasha and tell her congrats"

"You do so, and I will make us some food"

Sammy left and I dial Sasha's number

Sasha's POV

OMG, Hudson propose to me! We're engaged! I can't even believe that this is happening to me! Wow.. I'm so happy, he's going to be my husband. This is the best moment in my life, I love him so so much and I can't wait what furture holds us.

We were in the living room, playing with Lady and Levi, I sat next to him and interwined our fingers

"I love you Hudson"

"I love you too Sasha"

He lean in to kiss me but the moment was ruin by my phone ringing. I smiled at him and peck his cheek. I pulled away, Hudson got up and went to the kitchen to start dinner. I pick up my phone and looked at who was calling me and it was Shay;

- Hey Shay!

- Hi Sash! I just wanted to call and congratulate you and Hudson. I'm happy for you guys.

Does she seem sad or am I hearing wrong?

- Aww, thanks! That really means a lot

- So have you guys set any date yet?

- Haha no we haven't, we just want to enjoy our engagement for awhile .

- That's nice, you know Sammy was screaming when she saw the post on instagram

- Really? I thought she would like jump like a monkey

- Hahah she did that too!

- Hahah! Crazy Sammy!

- I know, I'm sorry but I need to go before she burn down my kitchen. I will see you in a couple of weeks

- Yeah do that, and yes we will can wait to see you

- Can't wait to see you too, tell Hudson I said hi.

- I will, bye Shay

- Bye Sasha

I hung up and started thinking why Shay sounded so sad, she tried really hard to be happy for me. I know it's crazy that I can hear that just over a phone call but I have known Shay enough when it comes to feelings. I can read her like a book, just by hearing her voice. My thoughts get interrupted by Hudson calling from the kitchen. "Sasha come and taste the food, It feels like somethings missing"

"Coming" I yelled back

I shook the thought in my head about Shay and went to the kitchen to help my soon to be husband.


Is Shay lying to herself ? 

leave your thoughts below !

(Sorry for my mistakes)

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