Chapter 13

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Sorry guys I've been through some drama and been studying for my driving license. But here I am and here's a new chapter.

Sasha's POV

Today we have a day off and Shay has a photo shoot so she's busy all day. I probably should apologize to Hudson for forgetting to meet him a couple of days ago. I wounder why he didn't called me and asked why I didn't come. I drove to my old house and knocked on the door. I didn't hear anything so I knocked again. No answers, that's weird his car is right there. I checked if it was open and it was, I walked inside and see the dogs sleeping. They always yells when there's someone outside the door. I pat on Levi's head but no movement. What did he do to them?

I hear voices coming upstairs, I walked to my old room and when I opened the door I was in shock! My ex fiancé is naked with my friend Gianna. Wow.. of all people he had to choose her.
"I see you guys enjoying yourselfs" I said
"Sasha. W-what are you doing here?"
He cover their naked bodies, Gianna looks frightened.
"I was going to apologize for not showing up the other day but I see you have other things to do so I should leave"

"Don't! You know I've no right to tell you who you're sleeping with because we're not together anymore but I can't forgive the fact that you choose to bang my best friend.. "

Gianna quickly put some clothes on was about to leave but I stopped her.
"I even more angry at you G because went behind my back. You don't date your best friends ex!"

"I know and I'm sorry, it shouldn't have happened"

I just shook my head, then I look at Hudson.
"I will take the dogs with me because you clearly can't take care of them"
"What? You can't take them!"
"Yes I do, you drugged them! They didn't even react when I knocked on the door!"

I yelled back and walked downstairs to try to wake the dogs up and finally they did. Hudson ran after me to the car.

"Look, I know it what I did was wrong but you can't take them away. You said that I needed them so I don't have to be alone"

"Yeah but now you have G, and you freaking DRUGGED them!"
"I didn't know what I was thinking I'm so sorry. "
"I can never forgive you for this, I don't want to see your face ever again!"

"Did Shay tell you I stepped by the house when you forgot to meet me?"
"What are you talking about? "
"Ask her"

"Fuck you Hudson"

I slammed my front door and raced to the house. Why didn't Shay say anything? Why would she keep it from me? Is she afraid of him or something? I have to ask her when she's coming home.

When I got home I put the dogs in the living room. I walked to the kitchen, slamming, hitting things. I didn't realise I was crying. I saw a bottle of wine on the counter, I starred at it for few seconds, should I?...

3 hours later

Shay's POV

The photo shoot was fun today. I've never been this happy for a long time. I have an amazing job, a beautiful girlfriend, a house that we both live in. While I was thinking I dial Sasha's number on my phone. That's weird she always picks up when I call. I race home and when I walked inside I see her sitting on the couch with her two dogs on each side and a bottle of wine infront of her. Oh no..

"Babe?.. h-have you been drinking?"

"I have been starring at it for over 3 hours, should I drink or not? Is it worth it? I thought that I was going to have a good day but noo"

I sat on the table facing her
"Sasha. .What happened today?"

"Oh you know the usual my ex is sleeping with my best friend and he drugged the dogs and that my girlfriend lies to me"

"He did what?! And what am I lying to you about?"
"You didn't tell me that he came by the house the other day, care to explain?"

That fucking monkey face!

"I was mad that you didn't told me that you guys talk to each other, you could have told me. I didn't tell you because I thought it was nothing and he would probably call you. A-and I'm afraid that you will go back to him that's the second reason why I didn't tell you. I love you so much and I don't want to lose you now when I got you"

"Why would I go back to him? He's dead to me, the only reason I hang with him was because of the dogs. I never want to see his face again after what he did. And for the record you will never lose me."

"I promise, and you have to promise that we tell each other everything. No secrets, no lies"

"I promise" I told her and looked at her.

She gave me a weak smile, I lean forward and peck her lips.

"I love you "
"I love you more Shay"


By the way I've giving up on Emison bc Marlene say things and it never happens. I don't know what's going to happen between them in 6 x 20 on Tuesday. Am I the only one? Like she tweets about spoby, ezria and haleb happening but Emison she writes is complex.. do you guys think the same or are you still hoping for them to be a couple?

Leave your thoughts and comment below

See you all next week

(Sorry for my mistakes )

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