Chapter 11

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So my parents are fighting again.. Best to ignore them yelling is to listen to music and write a chapter to you guys. So enjoy this one and I will see you next week. Love you all.

💋 - M


Shay's POV

I was a little bit afraid when Sasha wanted to drink wine.. should I be worried? Maybe I should talked to Marlene about it today at work. Oh shit.. Ashley... I forgot about our fight. On the other hand I think I shouldn't care so much about it because my focus is Sasha. Ash doesn't know my history with her and she can't stop me either.

I walked downstairs and see that my girl left a note for me

Hey babe, I need to get my things from the hotel. I will see you at work, love you xd

Wait? Her things? Is she going to live in the trailer? She's homeless I'm not going to let her stay there. I know we have just got together and her moving in with maybe be fast.. I need to make up a plan so she's not freaking out me asking her.

I took a deep breath before walking out to the car. Minutes later I was outside and when I was about to walk inside a hand in front of my face stops me. I removed the hand and see it's Ashley, great..

"Why haven't you answering my calls and texts?"
"I didn't want to" I answered honestly.
"Why? Because of our fight? Come on buttah we fight sometimes but we always forgive each other"

"Yeah but I can't forgive what you said so please move"

"Hey what's going on?" We both turned around and see Sasha their with a worried look on her face. "Nothing, let's just go inside" I answered and took her hand. Ashley looks at me and then she rolls her eyes. I could feel my girl squeeze her hand in mine. We haven't talked about if we should tell everyone or keep it a secret. Putting my thoughts on the side while I see Marlene going to her office, I told Sasha that I would talk to her later and Ashley have already left. I let go of her hand and walked to MK'S office.

"Hey Shay! Everything okay?"
"Yeah.. I just.. yesterday I was making dinner to me and Sasha she uh, picked a bottle of red wine. I don't know if she forgot or if she really needed it.. should I be worried?"
"Did something happened before she decided to pick the bottle?"
"She met with Hudson and they had an argument"

She stood up from the chair walked towards me.
"Shay, heat arguments can lead to drinking, it can be dangerous if she's blocking her illness a side. You need to keep an eye on her when she's angry, sad etc, because if this comes out we screwed. You don't have to be worried if she have done it ones but if she does more than twice, call me. Sasha is a strong girl, she have come this far and now she has you. She's happy, you're making her happy, I see by looking at her eyes that she really loves you"

"Thank you"
"You welcome, now get to your dressing room so we can shoot some scenes"

I nodded my head and walked to the dressing room. While I was walking I heard voices, I stopped and hear it's coming from Sasha's 'room' "how stupid are you?!"
"This is not your business Ashley! Leave me, Shay and Hudson alone..."

Sasha's POV

I was sitting in my 'room' reading lines while Ashley just runs in. "Can I help you?"
"Tell me that's nothing going on between you and Shay"
"Ashley you got to stop this!"
"So it's true then?"
"Yes it is, but why do you even care if we're together or not?"
"I care about you, I don't want you to throw away a good guy just so you can have chance with Shay!"
"If you care about me, let me be happy with her!"
"Are you that stupid?!"
"This is not your business Ashley! Leave me, Shay and Hudson alone! If you really need to know, I was in love with her since the day I met her! I lied to myself every single day! I thought it was Hudson at first but I was wrong, my heart belongs to Shay because I'm in love with her and if you can accept that you can leave!"

"Sasha I'm sorry.."
"I'm not the one you should apologize too.. please just leave I need to focus on work"
Ashley didn't say anything else she just left, after a few seconds a knock came through the door. "Come in"

I see my beautiful girlfriend came inside
"Hi how are you?" She asked me carefully, did she hear my convo with ash?
"You heard everything didn't you?"
"Y-yeah" she whispered

"I meant everything I said, I was in love with you from day one and I was afraid that you didn't feel the same so I ignored my feelings for you till you told me you loved me more than a friend." Shay doesn't say anything she run towards me and kissed me with so much passion and so much love.

We rest our foreheads together "You have know idea how happy you make me, I wish I could show you how much I love you" She whispered to me, which made my stomach turn. "Then you have to show me later" biting my lip before we could say or do anything else a voice interrupted our moment. "Sasha stage 4 in 2 minutes!"

"I'm coming!"
"Hey you should say that to me while we're in bed"

"Oh my God Shay! You did not just say that!"
"Haha I think I did, come on let's go before they yell at you for being late"

We laugh while walking to stage 4 together and we shoot scenes all day and I can't be more happy to have a job and a girlfriend that I love so much. She's my everything, one day I will call her my wife..


Good or nah?

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(Sorry for my mistakes )

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