Chapter 1: Her Life

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"We're all in position and waiting for your orders, Bunny"

"Good, squads 3 and 4 go through the side and rear. When the front is clear, give us the word to come in"

"You heard her! Squads 3 and 4, move in". I heard footsteps and shuffling of armor the men wore. They were in the ware house for a while, before signaling us to come in.

"They're not here", a squad leader said and I held up my hand to silence their voices

"Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not here", I replied with a smile and pointed my gun up, before shooting. Seconds later a man fell down in front of me.

"Case three hundred and twenty two- solved", I said closing my case file and putting them away. I sat my desk and began to clean my semi automatic pistol. It's the only thing left of my family... I've never knew my father or my mother. This pistol is the only object left and the name 'Bunny' is engraved on the side of the barrel. That's how I got my name

"Bunny", Tamotsu {that means defender; protector in Japanese} spoke as he opened the door and I looked at him. Tamotsu is my guardian and messenger. He took me in when I was homeless and orphaned. Since the age of ten, I've been solving huge and dangerous cases. I'm the fourth most intelligent detective in the world, L is number one. I'm a big fan of his, I've read all of his cases and hope to work beside him one day.

"Yes", I replied assembling my gun and he set my lap top in front of me then opened. The screen turned on and a L popped up- no way

"Good afternoon Bunny, or should I say good morning where you are", the distorted voice greeted and I took a deep breath "I am L and I'm sure you know why I'm calling"

"About the Kira case?", I guessed

"Exactly, I would like you to join us in solving this case", he commented and a small smile crept up to my face "I will need another brilliant mind like yours to assistant me in this case, that is if you want to join me?"

"It would be a pleasure L", I replied calmly but inside I was bouncing everywhere "I'll be there as soon as possible"

"Good, I've already paid for your ticket and the private jet will be waiting at the airport", he stated and I nodded even though he couldn't see me "I'll see you soon Bunny". I nodded and closed my laptop. I've always wanted to work with L, I've come a long way to be where I am now.

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