Fight 2 - Surprise

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Fight 2 – Surprise

[Lennox Dawn]

Before the guys even had any time to react to what I had just told them the front door opened and a woman's voice called out.

"Would one of you boys come and help me with the food!" I knew the voice right away; Valerie Victoria Daniels, aka my mother.

"I got it!" Cyrus jumped at the chance to get out of the room and ran out the door. He never liked being in a tense room/situation, and this room defiantly held tension.

Valerie walked in holding two paper bags in her arms but froze when her eyes connected with mine.

"Lennox, you're here." Her voice was cold as she spoke to me.

Ya see mother dearest and I never really did along. She was always wanting me to be more like Belle. A girl who she could take shopping, do her nails with, and other girly shit. But I never cared for that stuff.

"What did you think that since you didn't come pick me up that I wouldn't be here for another day or so? Or that I wouldn't come at all?" I spoke with an icy tone, my posture stiff and my face blank.

Before Valerie had the chance to open her mouth Belle stepped in. She knew that we didn't get along – at all – so she changed the subject.

"Hey, where's Kyle? I thought he went with you."

"He's spending the night at friends." Valerie replied as she moved farther into the kitchen.

"Who's Kyle?" I questioned.

"Your half-brother." Valerie watched for my reaction, as did everyone – even Cyrus since he had come back inside with the bags of food.

Shit! No! He can't know about this; otherwise I know for sure that he will use it against me. It wouldn't be the first time he threated a sibling.

"Where will I be sleeping?" I changed the subject.

"Uh ... downstairs in the basement. You'll have to move somethings around." She seemed to be surprised that I didn't have a reaction. Even though I was scared and surprised as hell.

I nodded my head, grabbing my phone from its charger and, my bag before walking out of the kitchen and to the basement.

The basement wasn't too bad, full of things, but not bad. Windows lined the walls but stopped half way down the wall.

I could tell by the structure of the walls when I examined them at the room was sound proof.

Well no one will hear when I come and go that's for sure.

There was already a bed in the corner of the room so I placed my bag there. I would have to go clothes shopping since I only had the one outfit. But since it was already 7pm I'm pretty certain all the clothing stores are closed so that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Deciding to move some of the things around so I would have more space I pulled of my jacket and gathered my hair up into a high pony. While doing so I uncovered some of my tattoos.

On the inside of my right wrist is the word 'Proelium' in black cursive writing. In Latin it means fight.

Further up on the inside of my right forearm is; "Everybody's got their demons/ Either wide awake or dreaming/ The blood in my veins is made up of mistakes" The first line closer to the left, the second line closer to the right, and the last line going from the start of the first line and ending at the end of the second line. The letters written in black ink in the font cursive.

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