I ask him again and that shakes him out of his thoughts. God I hope that everything is fine and I was just seeing things. "Eleanor.... she isn't one to not hold a g-grudge against someone, Harry. We were school mates, she and I, for quite some time. I don't know if I will ever be ready to tell you the whole background story just yet, but what I can give you should be enough to quench your thirst for information."

Nodding my head, I let him take a breather before continuing on with his lecture on this mastermind in disguise. Louis tells me about his recent flashbacks in the back of his mind about her. The cruise with his family:  that's just insane-- how the hell did that even happen? Coincidence? He also told me about the school project, which, by the way, is completely idiotic. Why would she get mad about that? I don't even comprehend what her issue was with it. The next story that comes out of Louis' mouth shocks me most of all. Now everything is starting to make sense. Perhaps she's still in love with him?

Louis' P.O.V

* Flashback *

27 June

There is this one girl in my class. She is pretty beyond any other girl I have ever seen before. I don't know whether to ask her out or not. I may only be 13 and she's like 16 or 17, but it can work right? I'm mature for my age, papa said so. Maybe I can make my appearance different. But then there is this boy that captivates my interest as well... I don't know what to do. I really like the girl, but this boy. WHOA. Lord help me, for I shall be sinning too early on in life.

I closed my journal, or diary will you, just before my mum burst through the door. She wants me to go downstairs to help with the groceries. I swear, can she just have the baby already? As I race down the stairwell, I remember that I have to write an essay about my love life. Why in the world does Mr. Camery wants to know about that, I have no clue.

Quickly placing the items where they belong, I give a chaste kiss on my mum's cheek then went up the stairs to my bedroom. Seeing as we aren't all that rich, I have a type writer. It's ridiculous that we've evolved in technology and yet here I am, stuck with this piece of crap. Not that I have anything against it.... oh wait, I do! Anytime I make a mistake, I can't go back to fix it. Way to waste paper mummy!

Setting three sheet of paper in the writer, I hover my fingers over the keyboard many times. I have no clue what I should be wiritng in the first place. Perhaps I could make up a love story, but use some girl in my class or something. No one must know about my sexual feelings towards the same sex. Although that chick really is fit, that boy is even better. What am I going to do? OH! I could write a love story about Eleanor Calder and myself. I sure hope no one will ever read this, let alone her.

Louis Tomlinson

Mr. Camery 4th pd.

27 June

Love Essay


    There are many ways to describe one's feelings for another human being. Whether the feeling is mutual or not, the mind is extraordinary in every way. Some go for appearance, others for the personality of the significant other. No one can predict who one will fall for, but all the rest can do is appreciate that there is one less person in the world. As for me, she is the girl of my dreams; the girl I would drop everything for-- Eleanor Calder.

  Is there any way to describe someone as perfect as 'the one?' Can there ever be an explaination of why one will fall for another unknowingly? In my case, both questions are easily answered. Eleanor is described as perfect from her fantastic physique and that adorable smile that reaches her eyes every time. Falling for Eleanor is one of the most erotic moments in my lifetime so far, and she has my heart for good. Wherever life takes us, I know she will always be there to catch me when I fall-- at my strongest points.

I stop writing because this essay is a load of crap. None of it is true and I only write the truth. Crumbling the paper and tossing it in the rubbish bin, I start new. I decide that I should write in third person about HIM-- the guy I'm currently crushing on. Martin Leudwig.

-- Next Week --

The paper is now due and Mr. Camery decides that it would be "awesome" if we could come up in front of the class and read a partner's paper. My face is in shock and without a doubt, blushing hardcore. Martin is in my class, what if he gets to read mine? I reached into my bag only to notice that my mum uncrumbled the Eleanor story and set it in my folder. "No, no, no no no no no...." my voice carries down into a deep hole when I find that the paper of Martin is no where to be seen.

Huffing to myself, I know that I am in deep shit. We are demanded to hand in what we've written to Mr. Camery to my disliking. He looks up at me as he walks by with a grin on his face. "And your paper, Mr. Tomlinson?" I hand over the unfinished paper and he gives me a confused look. Shrugging his disappointment off, he continues around the class to collect the other papers.

A few minutes has passed by and now it's time for him to call students up to the front to randomly read a paper off. To my disappointment, Martin reads off my paper heading out to the class. My eyes shoot down in disbelief as he reads the two paragraphs aloud. He finishes the last sentence slowly with a look of hurt? Not entirely sure if what I saw is correct, but I know that my face is crismon. Three students later, I am called up to read someone's paper. SHIT.

Martin's paper is in my hands. I quickly scan over it and I see my name mentioned in it. Darting my gaze up to his, he notices me and winks. WHOA. I continue scrolling my eyes over the well thought out paper and with all the strength I could, I read. He mentions how my eyes glimmer in any light, my lips are plumped to perfection, my hair is sexy, my cute button nose, my amazingly delicious body build..... I stop once my eyes get to his fantasy. Gulping louder than expected, the class brusts into fits of giggles.

A door slams and I notice Eleanor is gone from the room. It's unexpected coming from her, but me being me, I rush out to find her. I search high and low, but there is no sight of her. I have no clue where she could have gone... except... the Janitor's closet! The elevator to the fourth floor is the quickest getaway, so I hop in wishing the velocity time was quicker.

Within seconds, I am at the doorknob's reach-- aching to get in. At first I knock, but nothing happens. I turn the knob to let myself in and I see her lying in the corner, tears pouring from her eyes. Sympathy courses through my veins as I reach her. I place my hand on top of her shoulder as I plop myself next to her to being her into my embrace. She craddles into my touch and leans into my torso. I didn't know what to do besides caress her arm and kiss her hair, whishpering that everything will be alright.

All too quick, everything went down hill. She kissed me. And I rejected her.

* Flashback Over *

Is that the reason?

[ A/N HOLA! BONJOUR! ALLO! GUTENTAUG! OLA! HELLO! Soooo I know I am late updating once more, but what can I say? I'm always full of excuses haha :p I know I kinda left you on a hanger and I didn't reveal what the plan was that they were going to do, but I will next chapter PROMISE. So comment, vote, fan... whatever floats your boat :) Thanks for the reads by the way, makes my day seeing that number get higher everyday. I LOVE YOU ALL! Soo 3 more chapters babys... whose ready?

Until Next Time, ~Britt~ ]

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