real life

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As I flew over the city following The vehicle below me my mind raced. Steve missing. Missing. He had time to send one message though. Why not more. Was his phone going dead. A bad signal. Maybe someone got to him after he sent that message.
"JARVIS is Steve's phone trackable." I asked as the vehicle below me turned to the left. They were going pretty fast.
"No sir. Contact Steve, has GPS disabled or does not have GPS on his phone." I cursed and remembered when I got him his phone. I told him he always had to have GPS turned on, because if he didn't I would loose him.
"Sir you have a call from Black Widow." JARVIS said as the car below me slowed to a halt.
"Tony we're here."
"This is the place."
"Yeah. Bruce should be here soon with Thor and Loki."
"That's good. I'll be down in a second." I hung up and looked around. Nothing looked wrong or out of place. So I flew down to the car.
"They here yet?" I asked looking around. Natasha nodded towards Bruce and Thor who were getting out of Bruce's vehicle. Loki was tagging behind them as well.
"Anyone see anything out of place?" I asked. Clint and Natasha shook their heads no, and Bruce just sighed.
"So is Garden Central a building or a market town?" I asked as I looked around. While looking something caught my attention. Whistling.
"Guys. I hear whistling. Sounds like, Star spangled Banner." I exclaimed. They strained to hear it too, and nodded. 
"That has to be Steve. Look around and try finding him " I commanded as I turned and walked down the first street I saw. The whistling grew louder and I could almost pin point it. The flower shop selling Evergreens. When I approached it I could make out a name.
"Flowers all year round." Didn't look very out of place.
"Steve. You there?!" I called as I neared the market. Not many people were out tonight, so I wasn't worried about scaring anyone.
"Tony." A small voice called from around me. Steve!
"Steve, where are you!?" I called looking around.
"Tony. Up here." I looked up and was startled to see that Steve was taped to the ceiling.
"Tony, help me down. Can't move..." His head was hanging low and I could almost see how tired he was in his eyes.
"Just wait Steve I'll get you down." I said as I activated my thrusters.

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