Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Stella P.O.V

I hold my fist at my side, fighting the urge to punch him square in the jaw. From the other side of the table, he smiles. Leaning back in his chair, he folds his hands behind his head and clucks his tongue.

"Well, well, well." He says, his eyes dancing with an irritating rejoice, "what made you change your mind?"

I glare down at him, folding my arms across my chest to stop them from trembling. I exhale a sigh in an effort to exude my anger, but my fists continue to shake. Aaron notices this and leans forward, the smile on his lips growing slightly.

After going to bed last night, I woke up to find Joey at my door, offering me some food and water that he had taken from the main hall. It was his small act of kindness that made me realize. Even though it pains me to admit it, and it pains me further to even think the words, Logan was right. Helping these people is the right thing to do.

But who am I kidding?

That isn't the main reason I decided to change my mind. They have food and other resources that I can take from them afterwards. They'll probably feel like I deserve it, and throw it at my feet. Or if they don't, I can guilt them into giving it to me. Either way, I'm going to make sure that I don't come out of this empty handed.

He raises his brow, and I realize that I've kept him waiting. With lips so tightly pressed together, I struggle to get the words out.

"Well," I begin, the word barely audible through clenched teeth. He tilts his head, as if to mock me.

"Well?" He repeats, drawing the word out in a condescending manner, as if he were speaking to a child. My eyes narrow, and I realize that there's a better way I can go about this.

"Actually," I spit, "never mind!" I throw my hands in the air, stepping away from the table, "I've changed my mind."

The smile drops from his face as though it had gained a hundred pounds. He throws his hand out, just as I begin to turn away.

"Wait!" He yells, his body practically sprawled half-way across the table. I pause, restraining the smile already tickling at my lips. He pulls himself back slightly, his arm still outstretched towards me. "I'm sorry, okay?" He says genuinely, "I'm glad you've decided to change your mind, for whatever reason."

I allow myself to smile now, a gesture he returns with a frown. With a small nod I turn back towards him. "So what's the plan then?"

His lips form into a thin line as he leans back in his chair once again.

"It's pretty simple really, I'll give you some fireworks and you just have to drive out far enough and start lighting them." He stands up from the table, "I'll get you a car and make sure everything's ready, you can take someone with you if you want. Except Rocket, I need her here in case things go wrong."

I frown as he begins to turn away. In case things go wrong. I already regret agreeing to this. As he's walking away, he stops and turns back.

"And thank you," he looks down with a nod, "really."

My frown only grows. This goes against nearly every rule I've ever thought up. I shake my head.

It better be worth it.

I wait until he's left the hall before I leave myself. The overbearing rays of sunlight weigh down on me in greeting as I cross the small area to the English block. If Logan's too injured to come, and I can't take Rocket, then that only leaves me with one person I know.

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