Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Stella P.O.V

"There it is." Joey points.

I follow his finger to see a bright yellow school bus, parked just beside the entrance.

He grins broadly, as if he hadn't expected to actually find them. I squint at the bus, barely distinguishing the outlines of people moving around inside. Or what I hope are people.

"Come on," he beams, his entire character seemingly rejuvenated, "let's go!"

Eagerly, he pulls Logan forward, emitting a string of curses from his tightly pinched lips as he struggles to keep in step with him. "Don't worry, you can sit on the bus." Joey tells him, ignoring the sideways glare Logan shoots him with.

I stand watching the bus, cautious to proceed. Joey and Logan walk passed me as I watch the bus, squinting at the small movements within. The windows are dark, but not tinted, making it difficult to see inside. I stand still, watching for another minute. The movements within seem too smooth and fluid to be that of the infected. I breath out a sigh, letting my shoulders slump at my sides. Walking forwards, I make sure to remain behind Joey, just in case they aren't friendly to strangers.

As we approach, one of the figures within the bus stops what they are doing to look at us, their body moving closer towards the window before lurching back in a sudden, swift move. My steps falter, unsure of what could have caused such a reaction. Maybe Joey really was locked in that bathroom for a reason, and they were hoping never to see him again...

If that's the case, it's strange that Joey appears so ardent in reuniting with them.

The door of the bus slides open with a creak. I stumble to a halt as I wait for someone to appear. Joey pulls Logan a few steps closer before coming to a stop, his focus centered on the open door of the bus. It isn't long before a woman appears, her long, orange hair, pulled into a retro style is vibrant against the chestnut color of her skin. Her eyes land and linger on Joey before glancing at Logan and I.

"Rocket!" Joey exclaims, bringing the woman's attention back to him. Her expression remains blank as she stares at him from the door of the bus. Throwing her foot out, she steps down, her boot crunching on the gravel of the pavement. The corner of her mouth pulls slightly into what could pass as a smile.

"Joey." She says lightly, her eyes trained on his, "I thought we'd lost you."

"Oh, you should know you can't get rid of me that easily!"

She stares at him with a blank, unreadable expression, her shoulders strained back in a rigid posture as her hands hang unfurled at her sides. My eyes dart between the two of them, the air thickening with the tension around them. She attempts another smile as she looks Logan over, her eyes analyzing the situation.

"I see you brought new friends," she glances at me, her honey colored eyes seemingly dark in thought. Remembering the importance of first impressions, I step forward and hold my hand out for her to shake.

"I'm Ste-"

"She's my girlfriend," Joey interrupts with a smirk, drawing both our attentions back to him, "and this is my grandpa." He gives Logan a light shake. I cross my arms as Logan growls under his breath, the three of us appraising Joey with irritated looks.

"Why don't you help him on the bus?" She steps aside and gestures with a sweep of her hand for them to board. "If you're coming with us?" Her brows furrow, looking at the two of us for confirmation.

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