Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Stella P.O.V

Logan had opted to spend the whole night taking watch. He didn't get a lick of sleep. Obviously because, for whatever reason, he didn't trust me. But I'm certainly not complaining, I got a whole nights sleep! I haven't felt this refreshed in ages. Honestly, I don't know how I survived without the guy. If it weren't for the constant glaring, he would be perfect.

We've been walking for around twenty minutes now, after scavenging the gas station for all it had. Which wasn't much. They didn't have any bags so we put what we found in garbage bags; a near-empty lighter, some food and a couple of band-aids. Not much but it's better than nothing. Logan slung his trash bag over his shoulder as he walks, glaring off into the distance with dark eyes.

I swing mine by my side, trying to keep it in rhythm with my footsteps. I watch it swing, its glossy texture reflecting the heavy sunlight that weighs mercilessly upon us. I keep my head bowed, unwilling to meet the suns glare. The gravel of the road feels hot under my feet, and I can't keep the sweat at bay as it begins to trickle down the sides of my face. 

On the positive side of things, we haven't run into any infected.

Or assholes that want to rob us...

I throw a quick glance at Logan, and then look back down at the road. It must be true, most of the infected in the area must have swarmed to Los Angeles. A good thing for us.

Logan slows his walk, so I slow mine to match his, watching his footsteps in my peripheral vision as I keep my main focus on the trash bag swinging at my side. A few seconds pass before Logan stops altogether, lifting his gaze a little higher from the horizon. I glance around the road we're walking on, at the buildings and the streets. Everything appears still.

I turn to Logan, lifting my eyes to his.

"What is it?" I ask.

He doesn't respond, instead he narrows his eyes further, his gaze shifting in different directions. He turns almost in a circle before coming to a halt again, his eyes closing as he tilts his left ear in the air.

"D'you here that?" He asks, his voice barely above a whisper as it gets quickly whisked away by the warm air.

I turn in the direction he is facing, my eyes peering down the street. I hold my breath for a moment, concentrating on any and all noise. We both listen intently, but I don't hear anything out of the ordinary. Tree branches rattling in the wind, a lack of animals, a faint knocking... Wait. I listen closer, taking a step down the street.

It's a sound so faint that the wind overbears upon it, only audible when the wind settles down. The rhythm is erratic, varying in volume and severity. I listen for a moment longer before brushing it aside, still slightly curious.

"It's probably just a door, banging in the wind." I mutter, still listening to the noise. It had dropped off on its own accord now, not because of the wind.

"Let's go see what it is." He says, stepping forward. I look up at him, surprised.

"What? Why?" I ask flustered, staring in the direction of the noise.

"It could be someone that needs help." He begins walking down the street, the trash bag still slung comfortably over his shoulder.

"I thought you didn't like helping people!" I point out, shooting him a narrow-eyed glare.

"Not when I have nothing to lose." He mumbles, walking off.

I stare at his back for a moment before following him, shaking my head as I walk. If the guy wanted to change his philosophy because I had pissed him off, then hey, whatever. At least I'm well-rested enough to run if things go bad.

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