Chapter 13

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Songs for this chapter:
Grand Piano by Nicki Minaj

Maeve's POV

A soft yawn was pushed from my lips as I snuggled into the soft mattress.

I hated waking up.

It always was my least favorite part of the day. It brought me away from my false reality that I had created in my mind and reminded me that my life actually wasn't all that great.

In fact, it sucked.

I've always wondered what it would be like to fall into an ever lasting slumber and never wake up. Yet, every time I fall into my dream lands, I am reawakened in what seems to be so little time.

But, sometimes I do want to wake up.

Sometimes my false realities aren't wishes of mine that have come to be, but terrible truths that haunt my mind.

Once I had experienced a dream, or rather, a nightmare that shook me to the core. No, there were not any lethal monsters or zombies or anything in that class.

It had been far worse and chilling.

I had been resting in a bed made from the softest fabrics imaginable, eyes gazing blankly upwards to my colorless ceiling.

No thoughts entered my mind. It was as if I was dead, but still breathing.

The room was dark, yet, somehow so bright that it felt as if my eyes were watering.

Then, they had walked in.

Their faces were missing.

They looked down at me, gently touching my face as a tender, loving manner.

Their fingers were gentle and soft.

I wanted to scream out. I couldn't speak.

I wanted to reach out and touch then to see if they were real. I couldn't move.

I wanted to cry to them. I couldn't even blink.

I wanted to do something, anything. But I could do nothing.

I had never, not once, been showed an ounce of affection in my pathetic fucking life. I didn't know how to respond to it. It frightened me to no end. I wanted them to stop, give me a moment to breath. But they kept caressing my cheeks with their warm hands.

"We love you, our beautiful daughter. So much." An echoing voice sang softly inside my head.

I was so scared. So, taken that for a moment, I had forgotten to breath, and had awoken from my slumber, warm tears running down my cheeks.

The dream followed me for the next few days, taunting and haunting my mind. But, after a while, I had shoved it away, telling myself it was nothing but a stupid mind game. A stupid, pointless, meaningless mind game.

And I had left it at that.

For a while I had been at peace.

No more mind games to bring me despair. No more taunting nightmares. I was content you could say. As content as a person could be sleeping on the streets and pick pocketing for a living.

But hey, I'm okay. I'm fine.

For now, at least. And oh, how I hope forever more.

But with these boys, these nearly identical boys, one with chilling blue eyes that could strike a person's soul with a single glance, the other with an attitude not even a mother could love, you can never know.

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