Our next chapter

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Cookie been home for two weeks they put her on bed rest but she been trying help out around the house and the empire even the kids tell her to sit down and rest she just a working lady today we going to see what sex the baby is today she wants a girl but im not ready for the boys when she grows up and if she looks like cookie omg they going be long over her... Me and cookie are in the car and she just texting "who texting " i stay look over at her " nobody"she said not trying to look at me she working "cookie stop try to work the doctor said you need rest " " im am im not at empire im not doing nothing im texting " she said smirking take her phone " come on lu " she said crossing her arms over her chest "come on cookie think of something else the work like what are we going to name the baby " i say "well if a girl her name is going to be Ariel Lanice Lyon and if a boy you name it" she said " well if it a boy his name going to be Dwight Lee Lyon" i say pulling up to the doctor's "you going to name him you real name" "yeah or do you want it to be Luscious jr " i say with a smirk on my face "i like Dwight better " she said laughing and getting out ... We walk into the doctor office sign in "Mr and Mrs. Lyon the doctor is ready for you " me and cookie get up and walk in the room "well good morring Mr and Mrs.Lyon " doctor Johnson said she one of the best doctor in new york "rd lets get this started "she said and with that cookie pull up her shirt and she on the jel on belly and it shows up on the screen "ok well there the babys head its developing great rd let she what sex it is ..... Well Mr and Mrs.Lyon your have a baby girl" she said with a smile YASSSSS Im so happy that im having a baby girl thats all i wanted the doctor left the room " you got your baby girl you happy" "hell yeah i wont have a big head boy but they get that from there father "i said laughing "not funny i dont have a big head..... You ready too go" he said laughing "yeah " i say giving him a kiss on the lip.

Sorry it short i just want to write what the sex of the baby .... didnt know what to name her so i just used my name if you think i should change it give me a name .

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