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Where on the hospital sitting waiting for them to call cookies name i dont know what i would do if I lost cookie I might just go crazy i love her " the family of Cookie Lyon" the doctor said every one got up Me Vernon Aliya there kids Carol and her kid buckie and Andre Jamal Hakeem "Is she ok" i say " yes is she still on coma but she should be waking up late to night or tomorrow " the doctor said " we put her on room 602 yall can go on now " the said every pne starts to walk to the room "Mr.Lyon" " yeah" i say turm around "well did you know Mrs.Lyon was pregnant?" he said i look at him was crazy " No no i didnt " " she is the baby ok the accident didnt hurt the baby at all " the doctor said " O ok thats good do you know how long she been pregnant" " just 2 week going on 3" he said " ok thank a lot" "your welcome " he said with that i walked over to her room go and sit down cant wait untill she wakes up.


The next i wake up cookie still in the coma Vernon Bunkie Aliya Carol and them left took the kid to school and they went back to empire .... I got to go to the bath room i said to myself i got up and went to the bath but i get back i see the best that happened to me i see cookie setting up rubbing her eye " good moring " oo sau then she turn around then i see them big brown eyes of her i smile , i alway loved see though eye. I loved her smile i loved thing about
her she my every " how you feeling " i say walking over to her "i feel good...but what am im doing in here" she said lookinh around " you remember...you got in a car accident but you are fine" i said i said rubbing her hand "cookie i got question" i said "yeah what is it" " why didnt you tell me you are pregnant" "i didnt know how to tell you..... Wait that mean i still have the baby " she said looking me deep in my eyes " yeah we still got pur baby " i say then the doctor came in and started doing a check up i just happy cookie wake .

Cookie and LuciousWhere stories live. Discover now