Chapter 17

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January 18, 2016

9:34 Am

India POV

"India, you want to go to the Martin Luther King parade?" My mother asked waking me up.

"I dont know." I said sucking my teeth.

"Well it starts at 1 if you want to go." She said walking out my room.

What type of shit. If it starts at 1 then why in the hell couldnt she wait til I woke up to ask me. Now I cant even go back to sleep. I turn over and look me my phone and see that I have a couple of messages from Chris.

Chris☺️: India wake your fucking ass up
Chris☺️: Im sorry for cussing at you baby... but please wake up lol
Chris☺️: I havent been to sleep yet man
Chris☺️: I dont get sleepy
Chris☺️: I mean Im a little sleepy but It aint nothing
Chris☺️: Im still sick as shit
Chris☺️: I like you ;)

Chris is so childish. All these messages are so uncaused for but at least he was texting me instead of some nothing bitch. Well he better be only texting me.

Me: You childish as hell

Chris☺️: Im still woke.

Me: Go to sleep Chris. You want to go to the parade with me? It starts at 1

Chris☺️: No ma'am Im gone be sleep by then.

Me: Well Ill bring you some candy back :)

Chris☺️: Look at you being a blessing

I get up and go to the kitchen and fix me a nice bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Chris POV

I dont know why I havent been sleep. Its like everytime Im sick I stay up all night and write music. India told me one time that she wanted to make love with music playing so I been making a lot of sexual music.

Let me take my ass to sleep so I can surprise India and go to the parade.


India POV

Its 1:05 and the parade had already started. I decided to walk because it is just up the road from me. It is cold as shit outside man.

I get to the parade and there is so many people here, and Im standing here looking all lonely and shit by myself.

They are throwing out candy and this man literally pushed me so I couldnt get to it. What the fuck. I got so mad that I was about to leave but someone stopped me.

"Wassup India." Jacquees said coming out of no where.

"Oh hey." I nervously said. I get so nervous when Im around him, I dont know why.

"Why you standing here by yourself?" He asked.

"Because I have no friends."

"I seen Moni down there. Aint she your bestfriend?" He asked.

"I dont know, she mad over something stupid." I chuckled.

"Oh well, let me see your phone." Jacquees said taking my phone right out of my hand and putting his number in. "You should text me sometime." He said then walking away.

Chris POV

Im at the parade and I dont see India anywhere. It is freezing outside and I didnt put no damn coat on because I was trying to look all fresh and shit.

"Hey." That Kayla girl said coming up to me.

"The girl that bout killed me with a car." I chuckled.

"Yeah. I thought we was passed that." She giggled.

"Im just playing with you ma. How you doing."

Kayla POV

Chris cute and all but the only reason Im talking to him is because I cant fucking stand India. I hated her ever since I found out she had a crush on Jacquees when she was in the 9th grade. Me and Jacquess was talking at that time.

"I been good. How you been?" I asked.

"Cant complain." He smiled.

I looked over his shoulder and saw India coming up to Chris from a distance. I quickly grabbed his face and crashed my lips into his.

"Man what the fuck." Chris said pulling away and wiping his lips.

I guess he saw me looking at India smirking because he turned around and saw India just standing there with a blank look on her face and tears was falling down her face.

"You foul man." Chris said to me and then jogging to India.

India POV

I cant believe what I just saw. I know Chris isnt my boyfriend but dont be kissing another girl when you are fucking with me. Lost all respect. I must have been really pissed off cause I didn't realize Chris was near me until he started shaking me.

"Dont fucking touch me Chris." I yelled pushing him causing some people to look.

"India, I swear to god I didnt know she was gone kiss me. I didnt even kiss her back." Chris explain.

"I dont want to hear it Chris. Just to think I wanted you to take my virginity. Dont call me, dont text me cause I dont want shit to do with you anymore."

"Okay." He calmly spoke.

Okay? Thats all he gone say? He obviously didnt feel for me the way he said he did. I knew since the moment I laid eyes on Chris I knew he was gone be fucking with my emotions. I just walked all the way home and went to my room and sat in the dark and cried.

Chris POV

I left the conversation at 'Okay' because I knew India didnt really mean it. I am just gone give her a couple of days to cool down and then I will explain myself.

India POV

Its 11:20 and I cant sleep. I cant get Chris out of my head. Im so stressed out and I need someone to talk to.

Me: Hey

Jacquees: This India?

Me: Yeah

Jacquees: Oh okay. Wassup

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