Chapter 2

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Chris POV

We pull up the school and it is big as a bitch.

"You sure it's not as big as people say? Cause a young fine brother like myself cant be getting lost, its not a good look." I said biting my lip and rubbing my hands.

"You not cute." India said getting out the car.

"You right." I chuckled getting out.

As we walked into the school I heard some girls making little noises as I walked by.

"Damn who is that fine light skin nigga." One of the girls said. I just looked at India and started laughing

India POV

All of the looks me and Chris got when we walked by made me laugh. I know Im going to hear a lot of shit talked about me by all the girls. I walked with Chris to the main office to get his schedule.

"Let me see your classes." I said getting the schedule out of his hands. "Damn, you must play basketball because you have weightlifing first block and thats only a basketball weightlifing class." I giggled.

"Damn I have to be sweat early in the morning, and yes I do play basktball." Chris said making a face.

"Yeah, they make yall run a lot too. I know because I sadly have PE first block." I said.

"Well Im use to running a lot but not just early in the morning." He chuckled.


"Oh shit, there goes the bell lets head to class." I said walking to the gym. Chris followed.

We get in the gym and I showed Chris where the weightlifing class sits at and then went to my class in the gym.

"Bitch is that your neighbor?" Moni said looking at Chris.

"Yes bitch, I told you he was beautifull." I giggled.

"If I wasnt with Trey." She said biting her bottom lip.

I just gave her a look like no bitch that gone be all me.


"I hate this fucking class all he makes us do is play basketball." I said.

"Girl all you do is sit down and take pictures on your phone." Moni said laughing.

"Shut up." I giggled. "You know what Ima shoot the basketball today bihh." I said getting up and grabbing a basketball.

"But you cant play." Moni laughed.

"Watch me." I said shooting the ball. I missed it ..... completely

"See let me show you how to shoot." Moni said grabbing another basketball and coming up beside me and shooting it and made it.

"Bitch you made that just because you play basketball." I said rolling my eyes going to get my basketball.

Minutes later the basketball weightlifing class came into the gym with us and Chris came over there to me

"You know you cant play no damn basketball." Chris chuckled and taking the basketball out of my hand.

"You cant either." I said.

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