Chapter 16

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"Oh that paper ," I said and bit on my lower lip in embarrassment.

"What about it ?" My mother asked and narrowed her eyebrows at me while placing her hands on her hips.

I stammered at my words and I eventually sighed in defeat as I was lost in my own words.

"I read it Alexa , and I am really really really disappointed with you ," she said and sat down on my bed , focusing her gaze at nothing in particular. It was just then that I realized my mother's tummy. It has grown much more bigger than what it was and saying that she was pregnant would be an absolutely clear understatement.

"I am sorry ," I said although the words could not form properly in my mouth earlier.

My mother was carrying a baby and it has already been two months since we have known about it. Yeah I know right , time flies.

As she was pregnant , I did not want to spoil her mood with my impertinence. I did not want to worsen her health with more worries.

"I already signed it for your information and I'll think about what to do ," she stated , not showing any emotion in her face and her serious voice.

"What do you mean mom ?" I asked as calmly as possible because I was not aiming to make her lose her temper right at that moment.

"You've crossed too many limits Alexa ," my mother said and moved her head disapprovingly.

"You went to the club with her and you freaking got drunk ! You skipped class with the same kid ! And now you are being inattentive in class because of the very same brat ," she continued in a high-pitched voice and looked down at her feet disappointedly.

Yeah I admit it , I have not been the most perfect daughter in the last few years of my life but you cannot really blame me after all !

I am a teenager too , I have mood-swings , I get stressed and depressed over the smallest of things and I make mistakes. A lot of mistakes.

"Mom stop it !" I yelled and lost my anger immediately. I was so fed up with her blabbers and to be honest , I could not take it anymore.

"I'm so fed up with you Alex ! I'm so tired of everything , I don't know what to do anymore. I'm lost and confused as hell and I don't know till when I'll be able to bare so much on my own. I feel like I'm gonna explode any moment soon ," she yelled and broke down in front of me. I began to feel guilty and I pulled my mother in a tight and endearing hug at once.

"I'm so sorry mom ," I apologized and cried my heart out with her.

"Lilian !" My dad yelled from downstairs and my mom jumped in her spot on hearing her name being called.

"I'm coming !" She shouted back and stomped downstairs before sending me a tender smile.

I then went to my drawer to look for my phone but it was nowhere to be found. I started to panic and my vision began to blur , the typical anxious me.

I made my way downstairs in order to look for the phone when all of a sudden , I heard the sound of muffled voices from the living room. I walked towards the couch where I saw Samantha and I gasped at the scene.

My little sister was suffocating uncontrollably and she was sitting on my father's lap while my mother was gently tapping her back. I approached them with quick and heavy steps and I sat on my knees in front of Samantha. Her face was paler than usual and her condition was worse than what I had imagined earlier.

"Let me call an ambulance ," I suggested and rushed towards the phone of the house.

"Oh no it's okay , I can bring her ," Ashton stated , coming from nowhere and flashed us all a worried smile.

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