Chapter 2

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Jasmine's POV

Dark, black eyes stared deep into my soul and it was like I was hypnotized. I couldn't manage to look away however much I tried.

As we stared at each other, his were filled with what I could recognize as love and a speck of relief? It couldn't be, maybe I was just imagining stuff; he is just a wolf after all. We stayed like this for a couple of minutes. I couldn't get enough from his eyes even if he was just a normal wolf. Well a lot bigger than the average wolf, but we'll talk about that later.

I saw it move closer and I gasped finally feeling my legs start working as I stumbled back and fell to the floor. I backed away in fear and the wolf whined and stopped moving forward. He then sat down and bowed his face showing me his neck and I've read enough about animals and knew exactly what that meant: submission. I started to relax slightly but was still on guard. He then stood up and walked again towards me but slower this time. I was confused; wolves are supposed to be wild animals. This wolf, however, seemed to want me to not be afraid of him.

I shakily put my hand out to pet him, and he rubbed his head against my palm with his eyes closed. He seemed to enjoy it. When he opened his eyes, I saw that they were glowing and I was mesmerized.

Next thing I know, I'm on the ground and the wolf is licking my face. My fear broke and I started laughing; It was just a huge puppy after all.

It's still a wolf, my mind kept on reminding me. I could see that, however, it didn't seem that way to me.

We played for an hour, and I didn't mind it a bit, but I remembered that I'm on my run. So I walked away in order to continue my run.

I found the wolf tagging along behind me; looks like someone wants to join.

I then continued my run with the wolf running beside me maintaining the same pace as mine. However, what I couldn't understand was that he kept looking at me with his tongue out, his eyes shining, and a wolfy grin on his face.

"I have to go home, Wolfy," I said while petting him again one last time, even though I knew he wouldn't understand. All dogs felt when someone is leaving though, and I guess that applied to Wolfy too.

He whined as I turned around to head back home, resulting in me turning around to pet him some more.

"I promise I'll visit again tomorrow," I told him as he rubbed his face in my palm. I patted his head one last time before heading back home.

On my way back home, I couldn't help but think of this wolf. To me, it seems that it somehow understands me?

I can swear to you that it looked like it understood me for a wolf. I sighed while facepalming. I must've been hallucinating it's just a wolf for God's sake! It's official, I've gone insane.

I followed the trail back home while shaking my head to myself. I got my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door, entered, then locked it behind me once more. My parents were in the living room sitting on a lovechair. Happy couple, I thought. I chuckled to myself and walked to their direction. My legs were hurting me, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

"How was your run, dear?" my mom asked me while smiling. She was always in a happy mood; it was contagious.

"You won't believe me," I said exaggerating a bit. Surprisingly, they looked interested, "I saw a big black wolf and i-it looked like it understood me and everything I said, Mom, but I'm not lying. I think I've gone insane, though." When I said it, they looked like I caught their attention because Mom and Dad had their eyes wide open.

"What do you mean, Honey?" My dad asked me calmly, but it didn't seem to be genuine.

"A wolf-a big black one, I-I saw it when I was on my run. It played with me and I ran along with it, but then, I had to leave. I told it, so it looked like it understood me. I know I sound hella crazy right now but I swear to you I'm not making this up," I said.

After explaining to my parents, my mom sent me off, telling me to shower before dinner. I looked at them noticing they were acting weird.

"Are you two alright?" I had to ask, I mean come on, they're my parents! Yes, they were sometimes weird, but this feels different. "We're fine, dear. Now go on, go take a shower and dinner will be ready in a few," my mom told me.

As I headed upstairs, I kept thinking, but just sighed shaking my head and entered my bathroom. I took a long, hot bath that removed all thoughts from my head. As I got out 30 minutes later, I felt relaxed and all thoughts about the wolf exited my mind temporarily. I got dressed in jean shorts and a blue tank top, left my hair out to dry, and headed downstairs.

When I walked to the kitchen, I heard my parents mumbling in a rush.

"She can't know..."

"She's an Alpha's daughter, she would've found out eventually,"

I tried listening more but the words exchanged between them was a lot more like gibberish than actual words. After many more fictional words, I entered the kitchen with a smile plastered on my face.

"So what's for dinner, Mom?" I asked her

"Lasagna, your favorite!" She said in a cheerful voice and I grinned at her.

We all sat down together on the table and dug into the most delicious dish ever.

When dinner finished, I helped mom with the dishes and we all sat in the living room eating cheesecake for dessert. At 11:00, I bid them goodnight and headed to my room. I washed up and got into my pajamas and laid in my bed. In approximately 10 mins, I was drifting off and then I was fast asleep, dreaming about the big black wolf.

Picture of Jazzy's parents!! Enjoy xxx


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