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"anyway, back to the point first, do you think..you can-"

"only on one condition" Yuri smiles, she lean forward, away from the chair, as close as she can to Tiffany, "if I got the idea that can impress you, and that you hire my company to do the designing for you...we'll go on a proper date"

"date??" Tiffany looks at Yuri, "proper date?"

"is not like im officially asking you to be my girlfriend, but a date like dinner or lunch"


"that's just the whole part of the deal~"


"cant I have a meal with a pretty girl like you?"

"but why, don't you think it's too fast-"

"cause I like you"

Tiffany's eyes widens.

Well, I have heard this quite some time already, during high school, college, work, well....it's the cycle of life....but....she...Yuri....Yuri is really gorgeous, her tanned body, well workout body, she's tall and she's knows the right thing to say and all these....are fated? But seeing how flirty she is, instead of putting effort on listening to the details I stated just now, I don't think she'll come up with any concept that would suit me - Tiffany.

"okay" Tiffany answers.

Yuri smacks her palm on the desk, "yes" she cheered.

"but" Tiffany looks back at Yuri, "if you come up with something that cant impress me, we will not be contacting each other already" she wink.

Yuri jaw drops open, "that's unfair"

"how was it unfair?" Tiffany snorts as she crosses her arms across her chest.

Yuri cant help but to stare at those arms, slightly hugging and pressing against her well looking boobs of the owner. Yuri lick her lip before she gulps, "deal"
Tiffany smirks, "see you tomorrow"
"wae? Don't you want to see me?" this time, its Tiffany who leans closer to the desk, her head resting on her palm.

She's attacking me with her cuteness!! - Yuri.

"tomorrow it is" Yuri answers confidently, "be ready for a meal with me tomorrow" and left.

She's confident, I love confidence, she's something - Tiffany.

Tiffany found herself smiling to herself at what just happened.


Yuri frustrated, knock her head a few times with the tip of the pencil, she then angrily crumples the paper in front of her and threw it across the room, Taeyeon who was entering the room, dodge by jumping aside, she chuckles dork-ily like.
"wae, kwon?" Taeyeon sip the coffee, from the cup in her hand.
"I need to really get this project, I need to get this deal" Yuri roughly yank her head.
"aigooo, just relax, you know you can" Taeyeon assures her best friend.
"I really want too" Yuri sighs.

Just then, they both hears the door bell ringing, "she's here"

"my friend" Yuri smiles and gets up to leave the drawing table.
"friend? You called a friend over?" Taeyeon eye Yuri who already about to leave the room, "I thought you're stress enough with the project?"

"yeah, I am, that is the whole point of me calling her over" Yuri smiles, "I'll be back"

Taeyeon watches as Yuri disappear out of the room, she sighs.
She walks to the drawing table, and saw some small details Yuri scribble onto a paper and pinned onto the corner of the table.



Immediately, she has an idea how the shop should look like, not wanting to forget it, she runs out of the room, so she can inform Yuri about it. Sharing her ideas.
But when she walks into the living room, she stop in her tracks.

Yuri, in the living room, with a girl, busy making out, Taeyeon can see Yuri's tongue plunging into the girl's mouth, she tried to look away, and walk away without making any sound, but the girl sharing the passionate kiss with her best friend, realizes Taeyeon's presence.
She got embarrass also, so she stop the kiss and lightly pushes Yuri away by the chest.
"wae" Yuri ask frustrated.
Yuri then sees how embarrass the girl is, so she looks around and saw, behind her is awkward taeyeon.
"yes, tae?"
"sorry to interrupt, I just have an idea come up" Taeyeon answers.
"hmmm" Yuri bit her bottom lips, she then turn back to the girl she kisses not long ago, "wait for me in my room, seo"
The girl who's face is all red, nod her head and make her way to the stairs, totally trying to avoid making eyes contact with Taeyeon, that goes the same to Taeyeon.

"yes, buddy" Yuri throws one arm around Taeyeon shoulder, "idea?"
"yeah, you see, I saw your mini details at the corner of the table, stating that she has so many company build up and that she loves pink, and you can see, all the company she had, are all somehow all related to fashion, so this girl must be really up to date and she-"
"tae, I give up" Yuri cut in.

Here's a girl, all ready for the next stage and its been long since I last had action... - Yuri.

"give up?? But I thought you said you wanted to get the deal?"

"I was" Yuri answers, "but there's a girl up there needed me"
"jinja....if I have no idea for this project, well, screw it, means I don't have fate with it"

Taeyeon frown, slightly angry at how fast a person gives up, how a person willing to give up for a girl.

"you're giving things up for a girl?"

"you wont know" Yuri laughs, "when is the last time you had....erm" Yuri looks around, making sure no one is around, (as if there is, they are at home) "sex"
Taeyeon yank Yuri's arm away from her shoulder, "none"
"not even with Sunny? Your previous girlfriend"
"that was during college and no" Taeyeon protest.
"then too bad, cause if you had it, you will know how strong it is, when you're....you know...horny"
Taeyeon uses her index finger to poke into her ear, as if she can block does words.
Making Yuri laughs even harder, "chill, it's the fact"

"its your choice" Taeyeon answers, knowing Yuri is more into girls if given a choice between work and girls.

"good" Yuri patted Taeyeon on the head, "you really understands me well"
"is not good" Taeyeon answers.
"it feels good though"
"im not talking about that..." Taeyeon rolls her eyes.
"hahahaha! You need to find some girls to get it on before you say so" Yuri winks, "let it be, besides, she was just challenging me, she has in her thoughts, that I can never impress her"


"that client! Ti-"

Before Yuri can finish talking, Taeyeon's phone rings in the room.
"ugh, up to you" Taeyeon rushes to her room.


Yuri woke up the next day, with Seohyun naked under the covers with her, in her arms.
Seohyun who seems to realize Yuri's awakening, slowly opens her eyes too.
"morning" Seohyun greeted with a faded soft voice, looking all so tired.
"last night was good" Yuri wraps her arms around Seohyun's waist, "you're good"
"you too"
They exchanges giggles before they lean in for a kiss.
Yuri's phone ring, "hold it right there, seo"
Yuri turn her back to face Seohyun as she reaches out to grab her phone on the table lamp, she look at the unknown number, "who the heck is it"
She press on the answer button anyway.

Yuri : who is it.
Tiffany : morning, don't mean to bother you.

Yuri immediately sits up, hearing that voice, knowing she cant be wrong in judging who that voice belongs to, the only voice that could make her heart beat a little faster.

Yuri : oh hey~ Tiffany! Good morning!

Seohyun looks at Yuri who looks all so excited all of a sudden.

Tiffany : you think you can come up to my office this morning instead of the afternoon? I have like meetings in the afternoon.
Yuri : sure.
Tiffany : okay, see ya!

Yuri was all smiling even when the call was ended.

Wait! Fuck! I didn't draw anything! I haven't come up with anything yet! - Yuri.

"yul~ who's that" Seohyun ask as leans her head against Yuri's chest.
"a client of mine" Yuri lost the smile.

i know some of you are actually objecting YULTI right now >< knowing....well, erm, seobang is actually a player! XDXD
oh yes, taeny is meeting soon XDXD

PURE LOVE (taeny)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang