15 ~ Removing the Masks

Start from the beginning

Cedric just stared in awe and was overcome with her beauty as she stood before him showing him a part of her that no one ever had.

She smiled sheepishly at him for a few moments until she pounced into his arms, catching him off guard for an instant but he had caught her in his arms. She had expected him to lose his balance and to fall but he stood tall holding her and the gesture was a wordless promise that he would never let her fall.

Vixen felt as though she was going to crawl out of her skin as her bare arms touched Cedric's exposed chest while his hot breath soaked into her skin. Her heart seemed as though it would pound out of her chest at any given moment as Cedric held her but her heart completely stopped once again as she felt his warm lips against hers.

Lightning seemed to shoot through them once again as they expressed through their lips the passion and love which overwhelmed their hearts and souls until Cedric pulled her closer so she was completely in his arms and then he leaned backwards until they were falling until the water engulfed them with lips still united.

When they emerged they both were laughing at their clumsiness until Cedric stopped to once again stare at Vixen. She stopped and stared at him unknowing as to why he seemed frozen as he stared at her. He looked as though he has just seen a holy being although she wasn't sure if this look was good or bad making her feel very uncomfortable and oddly self-conscious. She lowered her eyes and turned her head, seeming to break his trance. He reached out and placed his hands on the side of her face forcing her to look at him. "I'm left without words. Seeing you, the real you behind the mask that hides your true beauty has me speechless and knowing that I am truly blessed to see the real you. No perfect hair, no flawless makeup, no filters. This beautiful girl in front of me is stunning and more beautiful than the beautiful masks she hides behind. You are more radiant than anything or anyone I have ever seen. Vixen wasn't sure what to say and really there were no words needed. Cedric slowly leaned in and softly kissed her as if she were an angel. The kiss began to pick up speed and passion as the current took them down stream.

They had gone further than they had expected and so Cedric helped Vixen out of the water and called for his broom. She used a spell to dry them however it was clear that they needed fresh clothes and so Cedric flew them to a small town. There they went into a store where Cedric picked up a bunch of jeans and handed them to Vixen before sending her into a dressing as he took a seat as he waited for her to come out to show him. She made Cedric laugh when she stepped out of the dressing room for she was walking a bit funny and the comment she made was too much for Cedric to hold back the laugh

"Wow! I never knew I had long legs!" she said in a genuine surprised tone

Once he calmed himself he asked, "Have you ever worn pants Vixy?"

Still looking in the mirror she shook her head. "Always wore dresses and skirts. That was what I was supposed to wear even in sporting events."

"Well today you are also going to experience something rather interesting. Let's start our journey to the Edinburgh Storytelling Festival!"

Cedric purchased the pants and had offered to buy her new boots that were not high heeled, however she would not relent her heels which was something Cedric had to admit he loved on her.

This day Vixen was exposed to so many different cultures, foods, and people with Cedric always by her side holding her hand. Black Buns, Bannocks, Scottish Salmon, and Calcannons while listening to many of the myths and legends of the muggle world. These people were not primitive and barbaric as Vixen thought them to be.

As darkness consumed the land bagpipes began to ring. A big smile crossed Cedric's face and a sparkle in his eye twinkled. "Dancing Time!"

Vixen was very hesitant trying to refuse as Cedric pulled her closer and closer to the band.

"Cedric please no! I don't know the steps! I don't know how to dance like this!"

"You don't have to know the steps, come one!"

"But Cedric there is no one else dancing!"

It was too late. Cedric began dancing and skip around as Vixen stood there blushing from embarrassment but finally motivated herself to join him. While spinning and skipping around more folks joined in the frolicking until everyone was up and having a great time.

They danced through the night until they felt as though their knees would collapse. People began to leave to go home and now they knew it was time to go as well but first they went to an empty park where they took off their shoes and laid down on the grass to stare at the sky while holding hands until they found themselves becoming drowsy. It was time to return before more witches and wizards were sent out to find them.

Cedric pulled his broom out and Vixen quickly grabbed his hand and he looked into her eyes and she smiled and said, "Thank you for this day. It has been undoubably the best day of my life. Thank you... my Copper."

He smiled and softly replied, "Thank you for opening your heart to me a showing me the beauty behind the mask... my Vixey."

One last soft kiss and they began to fly back to Hogwarts with Vixen holding tight to Cedric while resting her head on his back as he held her hands with one of his as the other held onto the broom.

A romantic ending to a wondrous day of new adventures and exposing the true Vixen which hid behind the masks she wore.

*~*~*~*~* Weird question, can anyone find a connection between the names Vixey & Copper? *hint* Disney. ha ha.

Hope you are enjoying!

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