Chapter 9- I'm In

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A/N- Picture Of Abby now
Caiden's POV
Ever since I attempted to kiss Abby and I told her my story, I kind of/ sort of made things a little bit awkward. Awkward meaning I haven't made a move yet. I don't know what my problem is but whenever I am with her, I feel like I am at a loss of words. The way she laughs, the way her eyes sparkle, her personality is just completely and utterly... Perfect.

It has been a week and I wouldn't say I have been avoiding her but we haven't talked as much. When we hang out, she takes Maddie and I take Anthony because things are just weird. I spent all of last night thinking about the things I could be saying to her but then I push the thoughts away. Why must my feelings be so hard to establish?

I take out my headphones because Anthony is waving a hand in my face "did you hear a word I just said?" He asks and I shake my head and he gestures for someone to come in, I look at the door to reveal Maddie

"What are you doing here?" I ask with a tone of curiosity and she smiles

"I am here because it is my way of playing Cupid. Stupid, I know. I know that you think I am mad at you and I should be but I am not. You make Abby happy and she clearly makes you happy"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, you scratched my back now I scratch yours. You love her and I'm going to help you get her. It's time that you both finally have a happy ending" she says which causes me to smile but it gets me thinking, Do I really love her?

----Flashback 14 year old Caiden----
"Come on Abby kiss him" Wes says and she shakes her head. We are playing truth or dare and because Abby is outgoing and courageous, she picked dare.

"Just do it Ab, you scared?" Jack says and I give him a death stare. He knows that I like her. He knows how I feel, I am pulled out of my heated stare competition with Jack by Abby grabbing me by my shirt and pulling me into a deep kiss.

I decide to start kissing her back and to be honest it feels good. For once in my twisted life, I am happy and I feel at peace. The guys are clapping and she smiles

"Told you id never turn down a dare" She says and I can't help but feel a pang of disappointment. And here I thought she actually liked me

---Flashback 15 year old Caiden---
The past few months have been super hard. Wesley's suicide hit us all hard. But not Jack and his goons and that kills me. It makes me angry beyond content and I don't know if I can handle that.

I see Abby in the hall, she looks way different, she died her hair and dresses darker, I would say she's emo but she's not. She's amazing, I am pulled out of my train of thought of Abby by listening to Jack

"Oh hey Abby or should I say the faggots brother "( I AM SO SORRY IF THAT WAS OFFENSIVE TO ANYONE, I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT)

"Leave me alone Jack, I'm not in a mood for any of your prick jokes" she says and clearly clearly she's about to cry but she pushes him and runs away.

Once I see that she is gone, I run up to Jack and punch him

"What the hell is your problem?!" He shouts and anger rises in me

"What's my problem?! You posted the video. You f*cking made the video. Your the whole reason he's dead. Your a coward, you hide behind this shadow of the perfect jock but your not perfect and college will come and what will you have? I can answer that, you'll have nothing. No friends and no life-"

"Woah little man, I was just stating a point, she's got nerve-"

"No, she doesn't Jack. You do. Your a prick and a horrible person" Just that one sentence got me the beating of a lifetime but it's okay. Because as the song goes "I'd catch a grenade for ya" and I would. I would do anything for Abby and I know what your all gonna say after this because I am only 15 but... I think I am in love with her

"HELLO??? where'd you go?" Anthony says while clapping in my face and I snap back into reality.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask and he smiles

"I'm going to get you two together and I have decided on a plan. You in?" Maddie asks and I smile

"I'm in"
Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter, if you had your doubts about Caiden, now you know how he really feels and that it was not just an act.

I would also like to apologize again if what I wrote was offensive to anyone, it's not right for people to say that, but that is  why I put that for Jack, just to see how evil he really was. I'm so so so so so sorry if it was offensive in anyway.

Anyways, I hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment, thanks!


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