Chapter Thirteen

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Allie's POV:

My dreams, my nightmares? I snorted at that comment, no he haunts me everywhere. I couldn't bare to write about him. I wanted nothing to do with him. I winced a bit more as his grip tightend around my waist, "No. . .I will never write about you." I whispered. 

That was when I realized what I had said to him. I just called a killer a freak, something that someone should never do. Fear filled my eyes as he whispered in a sickening sincere tone, "Why would you say that to me. .?" I blinked and my hand started to shake, trying to keep the grip of my knife steady.

"It's true, is it not? You kill people for fu-" That was when he swung at me with his knife. I barely just dodged it as I let out a loud gasp. There was a long tear on my shirt. Great. . .now I really am going to die. Tears formed at my eyes as I gripped my knife tighter around my hand as he walked towards me. I was confused when he forcefully stuck the knife I was holding into his own shoulder. It was like he didn't even feel it. I was truly scared at this point. My blue eyes growing wider and wider as blood seeped through his white hoodie.

His sickning face was now just inches away from mine. I could feel his heavy breathing on my face. The noise of the Diary hitting the ground made me flinch, causing me to pull out the knife from the Killer's shoulder, "Y-you're a freak. . .because you kill people. It's sickning. You stalk people. You're a psyco!" I stuttered, trying to form every word.

"Smile for me." His knife was now poking into my pale face.

"W-what?" My voice was now clearly shaking as I forced a smile, just to not upset the already crazed man. I closed my eyes for a spilt second, only to feel his skin against my forehead. I bit into my lip as I tried to back away, "You told me to 'Remember to sleep' remember?" I spoke, more braver this time. I just can't let him scare me. He obviously wants me alive for something if he hasn't killed me yet.

"What if I don't want to sleep? What then?" I asked, my voice now calm.

Rain started to hit my face, quickly soaking the both of us. I shivered and backed away from the bloodied man, turning away. I couldn't look at his face any longer. I tugged my sweatshirt tight around me, my hair dripping wet. I wanted to run, but something in my brain wouldn't let me. What was going on?

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