Chapter Ten

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Jeff's POV:

"She's probably home now. ." I mumbled to myself as I adjusted my position on the tree. I was perched in a higher branch waiting for any passerbys, or possibly Allie to appear. Of course, anyone who were to appear I would dispose of, even Allie. I stopped thinking about that for a moment. Even Allie? How was she different? Why couldn't I kill her? Was there something special about her? My mind wandered to her large grin she gave when she was happy. It was much like my own. With that thought in mind, my fingers glided across the scars on my leathery skin. 

How old was I now? Where did I come from again? Everything elluded me now with no real reason other then time to blame. Even the reason for sparing the girl was gone. Sighing, I leaned back glancing up at the rising moon, that had replaced the sun. It was slowly removing the bright red and orange colors and replacing them with darkness. My grin widened as I wondered about the location of Allie.  If she won't come I would have to find her.

I froze as a branch snapped nearby, a late night jogger had stumbled into my lair, I went to jump down as the startled dear charged past me. "Only an animal. . ." I growled as I climbed back to my perch in the tree. Pulling the diary I had plucked from Allie's room I began to read. 

After a few minutes I was interrupted. Allie was here. I started to quietly giggle as she slowly walked through the woods. "You don't write of fear or sadness often enough" I hissed to the wind, as I bounded to another tree, my location still masked by the darkness. Crawling down the tree I approached her from behind. My one hand sliding slowly across her stomach, my other hand locked her chin in place. 

"You slept so soundly last night, your bed was so comfy. Thanks for sharing it." I whispered as my ice cold breath touched her neck. "Your brother seemed mad that I kept you out late last night, I won't do that again." I whispered as my hand moved from her stomach to my knife. 

"I see you took a weapon to, that's interesting." I said as I noticed her knife.

Remember To Sleep (Jeff the Killer Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora