Chapter Seven

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Allie's POV:

I woke with a start. I could have SWORN I felt someone breathing on me. No, I have to stop this. I have to stop thinking about my attacker. He told me to remember to sleep and that's what I will me doing. I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep.

"Allie! Happy 5th birthday, sweetheart." My mom patted my head lovingly and I smiled my goofy childish smile. She set the chocolate cake infront of me and I blew out the candles making a wish, I wish that I could have a friend who could understand me, protect me. The flames blew out, along with the lights. My mother gasped and turned to her husband, "Honey can you fix the lights?" She asked. My mother seemed panicked. I didn't quite know why, but me being five, shrugged it off.

"Sure thing, babe." He said as he patted her shoulder. My eyes quickly adjusted to the dark and behind my mother was a lanky, tall, and sinister boy, "Mommy. . .who's that behind you?"

"What was that?" She said, panick rising to her voice as she turned around and screamed. With that my mother was laying in a pool of blood right on top of my birthday cake. I screamed and ran as fast as my little legs could take me to my most cherished hiding spot. I heard my father scream, peaking out I saw that dark liquid soaked the air, then a gargle. I cried.

I woke, my heart pounding rapidly in my chest. It was 6:30AM. I was covered in sweat, shirt soaked. Great. I had school today, perfect. I shook the dream off and hopped into the shower, forgetting I even had a wound on my stomach. I gasped when the hot water hit it. Oh, that's right. . .him. I shuddered at the thought of his face. 

Once out of the shower I got dressed and did my hair, though I was curious as to what I really did draw. I made my way over to my sketchbook and stared in horror. The drawing of him was ripped out of the book and drops of blood soaked part of it. In the corner were small letter's saying, "Go. To. Sleep." I quickly crumbled it up and threw it away, grasping my cell phone and checking the time, only to see scratch marks on it.

Tears formed in my aqua eyes, "He was in my fucking house." I spat angrily. Why was he doing this to me? What did I ever do to him to deserve it? I bit into my lip and shoved the phone into my pocket, taking my backpack off the rack, sliding it onto my shoulders.

I walked quietly down the stairs. My brother was still sleeping because he was working the night shift tonight, so he needed plenty of rest. I walked quietly into his room and kissed him on the cheek, "Bye Nathan, see you after school" I whispered as I walked out of my house, on my way to school.

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